Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg

We have project that we planned since many time. This is shortly analyzing of books which we read and to introduce those books to book-lovers. And to create intention who don’t have time to read. All the books that we analyzed have in our work office and who is willingness to read them, can borrow from us for 15 day and free of charge. Only condition is the book should be like you took and it should be given back on time!

Let’s say “today its fortune” to start our project and to share short analyze about book which name is “Genc Milyarder: Kendi sözlerinden Mark Zuckerberg”. The book publisher is George Beahm and original name of book is “Young Billionaire: Mark Zuckerber in his own words.  Esra Ergün translated into Turkish language and delivered to public by “Beyaz Baykuş” publications. Need to note, that in our bookshelf many books are written in Turkish language, but we have some books which are written in English. And most of those books are about business world. This book was taken in account with number â„– 418 in our bookshelf and listed in business sphere books with number of â„– B-114.

In fact everybody knows about Facebook social connection. In 2017 Facebook Company’s annual income was more than 40 billion American dollars and about 90 percent of that income came from online advertisement. Also, we can say that our country has a bright future of online advertisement and nowadays, in private sector new projects related to online advertisement are consistently implemented.

The founder of Facebook Company Mark Zuckerberg was born in May 14 1984, New York City. It means that he is 35 years old now. When he was 12 years old he invented “Zucknet” program by using basic programming language which was dedicated to use at work and home for his father who works as a dentist. Taking into account his higher interest to programming, Mark’s parents gave him opportunity to study with professional tutor of computer technology. Until now, we have frequently met such circumstances in the books which we read. From this we can see that, in famous person’s life parents have big role. Most of the parents by considering child’s interest help them to improve their interest and create conditions in order to implement. Those are the first step to luck and supports!

In 2002 Mark entered to Harvard University which is high ranked educational institution in the world. In 2010 I visited to Law School of Harvard University and I hope that I could feel exiting psychological atmosphere of that place. However, it is not enough just visiting one or two hours in order to be successful, maybe it is necessary to study there!!!

In first year of his study, Mark gives to use his “Course Match” program to students. Then, he prepared photo album with the name “Facebooks”. But, this site was closed after 4 hours due to some received critics on that. Then, Mark was invited to “Harvard Connection” project, but after short time he gave up this project too. At that time he was working on “Facebook.com” project and on January 11, 2004 that project was available for only students of Harvard University. Then, that project included to its framework the Stanford, Columbia and Yale Universities as well. As you know, all those are the best universities in the world. In that year already that social connection was used by 1 million people.

For implementation of his project he gave up to study in the best university in 2004 and went to California State, more exactly Silicon Valley and located in Palo Alto city. We have planned to write about our tour to the Silicon Valley and Palo Alto city. Thanks for reminding Mark!!!

In 2015 not passing one year still the project started to implement Wenki Harinarain who could see future of Mark’s project invested 12.7 million American dollars. Interest to the Facebook increased with high level and during short time this social network started to use by hundred millions of people. In 2012 this social network started to use by 1 billion people. Nowadays, every month billions of people use this network. Our aim is to introduce Mark not the Facebook social network, but we will go on about “Facebook” because of Facebook belongs to Mark.

When Mark was 22 years old many companies which intended to buy his project offered him billions of dollars. For example, in 2006 Yahoo Company wanted to buy this project for 1 billion American dollars. And in 2007 Microsoft offered 15 billion American dollars for this project. Mark who believed in his project and his friends did not sell it and now that project brings billions of dollars every year. What is the success of Mark? Here the most important thing is innovation, believe in your project and hardworking, to be professional in one field instead of to be busy many works at the same time, to hire right person to work, to be fast and to be open mind about future.

In 2007 Mark became owner of billions of dollars by his own ability and titled “the youngest rich man”, need to note, that when he was 23 years old he became owner of billion dollars. Moreover, Marks has 74 billion dollars property now. It means that, no need to have rich parents or as somebody says father in law (at least we think that they are joking) in order to become rich person!

In books which we read about famous people, such us Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and others who became successful by their own ability there is one more interesting is maybe their humanitarian works. This situation takes its role in Marks life too. In 2010 when he was 26 years old, Mark gave to one of the education center 100 million dollars as a charity. And in 2015 He transferred 99 percent of his share in Facebook Company to the education and health Foundation which was founded by his family together.

There is no any information about Mark’s interest to books, because of small size of book which we are analyzing now. However, I think that Mark’s is also book-lover like other famous businessmen in the World. Here, some internet data help us. According to “Independent” Mark planned to read one book every 2 weeks and he did like this. He also recommends books that were read by himself through his book club. As I mentioned at the beginning we can give our books for 15 days to who wants to read them, it means that you can reach your plans by reading those books as well and we also! Now, we have totally almost 500 books including more than 100 books in the field of business and these can be enough for 20 years, maybe until that time we will increase number of our books!

As we understand from Mark’s words that his aim was not to manage many things at the same time, his goal was to be professional in one field. The biggest risk is not taking risk. In regularly changing life one only strategy can prove that you cannot be successful and it is not taking risk. By noting his some words ending my short analyze: We are not make service in order to earn money, we earn money in order to make good service. Those words of Mark are the same with these words such as “Earn when it is beneficial to others”!

Note: There should be grammatical mistakes; our main goal is to write and to share our opinion. However, we believe that those mistakes become lesser and lesser by practice. We are waiting your comments.

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