Delegation of Turkmenistan participated to the 75th session of ESCAP

During the period of May 27-31, 2019, the Seventy-fifth session of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific is taking place in Bangkok, Thailand.  The delegation headed by the Ombudsperson of Turkmenistan participated to the meeting.

It is an annual high-level meeting that functions as a universal platform for the countries of the Asia and the Pacific region that unites the heads of the governments, key officials and other regional social leaders for the exchange of views on new and current issues related to stable economic and social development.

This year, the session of the Commission focuses on the theme “Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality.”  During the speeches, it was particularly noted that being an authoritative intergovernmental mechanism in the region, ESCAP assists the development of multifaceted strategies for stable development in the region, as well as attaining the consensus regarding the norms and agreements with the aim of resolving common problems.

The head of the delegation of Turkmenistan addressed with the report on “Broadening and sustaining the rights and opportunities of people in Turkmenistan, social and economic development of the country in the framework of the SDG Agenda.”  In the speech, it was highlighted that the issues of stable development possess a special urgency for all the countries of the world, including Turkmenistan.   The Government of Turkmenistan has a clear and firm vision on the necessity of uniting the efforts of the government with the private sector, non-governmental organizations and civil society in the process of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals.

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