Meeting with the representative of the Ministry of Economy

On May 23, 2019, a meeting was held in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan with the Director of the Office for Promotion of International Projects, Infrastructure Systems and Water Industry of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Mr.Takasi Yosioka who has arrived to Ashgabat to attend the 13th Joint Session of Turkmen-Japanese and Japanese-Turkmen Committees on Economic Cooperation.

During the meeting, the parties noted with satisfaction the active development of cooperation between the two countries, particularly in trade and economic spheres.  The guest highlighted the significant achievements of Turkmenistan in recent years, primarily the implementation of large-scale projects in the sphere of transport and social infrastructure, gas-chemical industry and agroindustry.  It is vital to note that many projects are successfully realized with participation of leading Japanese companies.

The parties reiterated the adherence to further development of mutually beneficial cooperation between Turkmenistan and Japan aimed at the development of key spheres of economy that will undoubtedly positively affect the provision of stability and growth in the whole region.

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