A new issue of the International journal “Atavatan Turkmenistan” has been recently published

A new issue of  the international journal "Atavatan Turkmenistan" has been distributed in many countries of the world. The new edition of the journal, which has been distributed under the Turkmenistan Horse Festival, was awarded to the Asian Games.

Articles of important people were published in the current issue of the journal whose purpose is to advertise Asian games to be held this year in Ashgabat.


 Sheikh Al-Sabah wrote for the journal Atavatan Turkmenistan.


The special article of the President of the Asian Olympic Council Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah, has been published in the current issue of the journal.

Articles of AIPS Asia President Muhammad Kasim, AIPS African President ObiMitche Oukukku, AIPS Europe President YannisDaras have been published in the last issue  of the journal. Presidents of the Assocations who are representing the three continents of the world in the field of Sport shared their views on Asian games with the world through the journal Atavatan Turkmenistan. In the new issue of Atavatan Turkmenistan journal have been published dozens of articles that contain a great deal of information about Asian games.


Our journal has been published with the support of sponsors.


Since the first day of publication of the free distributed Atavatan Turkmenistan journal, approximately 110 thousand copies have been published and distributed to the world, mainly Turkmenistan and Turkey.

Each edition of our journal has also been placed in the format of PDF and e-journal at site   It has been provided access to hundreds of thousands of readers.

The new edition of our journal was published with the support of Tepe Türkmen, Turkish Airlines, Halil Avci Group, Nata Holding, Sabancı University, AO Smith Water Technologies, Net Organization, Schneider Electric, Arifiye Fidancılık, Elden Ele, Makul Hyzmat Translation centre, Ahal Teke Danismanlik ( ,    and  Legal Office .


Sourse:  Atavatan Türkmenistan News Agency (ATHA)

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