Day 1 of the Asian Games: Turkmenistan- 37 medals

V Asian Games were launched today. Today, the athletes competed in the National Wrestling, Jui-jitsu and Futsal arenas. On Day 1 of the Asian Games the athletes from Turkmenistan delivered an inspired performance and Turkmenistan was the country winning the most medals, 37 medals in total. The Turkmen athletes took the first place with their number of the gold medals. The Turkmen athletes won 16 gold medals in total on Day 1 until 22:00   by the local time. The number of silver medals won by Turkmenistan reached to 14. Apart from that, Turkmen athletes won 7 bronze medals. The athletes from Uzbekistan followed after the Turkmen athletes with 13 medals in total. The Uzbek athletes won 2 gold, 3 silver and 8 bronze medals. With the number of medals, the athletes from Thailand took the third place with 7 medals in total- 2 gold, 2 silver and 3 bronze medals. İn general medal standings, the athletes from Pakistan ranked 4 and the athletes from Mongolia took 5th place.

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Source : Atavatan Turkmenistan News Agency (ATHA)

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