“Permanent neutrality” – fundament of the national and foreign policy

As you know, 2020 is an important date for both Turkmenistan and the United Nations. Turkmenistan marks 25th anniversary of its Permanent Neutrality.  The United Nations is celebrating its 75th anniversary.  On behalf of the United Nations Development Programme in Turkmenistan let me first of all heartfully congratulate the people and the government of Turkmenistan as well as my fellow UN colleagues in Turkmenistan and across the globe on these occasions.

The 75 years of the United Nations has not gone unnoticed. Very early on, the UN has brought forwards the milestone document in the history of Humankind – the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights – the declaration of values and principles of freedom and equality that are equally relevant and valuable today.

More recently, the United Nations has brokered and advances perhaps the most revolutionary concept for global development – the Agenda 2030 – sustainable development goals.

Here in Turkmenistan, I am pleased and privileged to represent United Nations Development Programme. Founded in 1965, this year UNDP Celebrates 55 years of work in the development. During these 55 years, we have made the world a better place for many millions of people. Last year alone, we have supported 24 million people in 22 countries gained access to financial services, 17 million people to get better access to basic services, such as health and education, 5 million people (one third women) in 28 crisis-affected countries got a job or a better livelihood, and 4 million people in 27 countries gained access to justice and 800 households headed by women in 16 countries benefitted from clean, affordable and sustainable energy access.

Today, when the entire world is fighting the devastating consequences of the global pandemic, the UNDP is relevant and valuable as never before.

In Turkmenistan, UNDP has acted quick to take on its global mandate and provided technical leadership to the UN-Government working group in development of the National Socio-Economic Response Plan against the consequences of the global pandemics. The document, which was approved at the highest political level in Turkmenistan. UNDP is committed to extend an active support to implementation of the priorities spelled out in the Socio-Economic Response Plan.

We have repurposed our ongoing portfolio to up to USD 1.5 million to respond to the emerging needs in social protection, youth employment, digitalization and digital education, agriculture and food production.


Since 1995, UNDP works together with the people and the government of Turkmenistan to support the transition to the greener economy, sustainable agriculture, betterment of people’s lives.

We draw our strength from our collaboration with the people and the Government of Turkmenistan. UNDP is known for its impartiality, longstanding presence and commitment to make the job to the best quality. These qualities allowed us to create strong partnerships and programme in Turkmenistan and around the globe.

We are proud of many achievements that we have brokered together with the government of Turkmenistan in the 4 sectors where we are active: Governance, Economic Diversification, Climate and Health

To enumerate just a few from each of these areas, I should certainly mention:

Development and implementation of the first ever National Human Rights Action Plan; Now we are entering into the next stage of this process, to support development of the second National HR Action Plan based on the lessons and experience from the first Development of the law on Ombudsman and creation of the ombudsman office a few years ago.

The concept of Digitalization of the economy and launching its implementation in the banking sector.

Development of the National Climate Change Strategy and implementation of the concrete measures to adapt to the consequences of the climate change, as well as mitigate it.

For the last 5 years, UNDP has invested over 10 million USD to its climate programmes. We have restored over 1000 ha of sowing land. As a result of improving energy efficiency in residential buildings sector, our programme reduced approximately 1.5 million tons of CO2 emissions annually.

Most recently, UNDP became the first development organization to pilot innovative technologies in the heart of Karakum desert. Together with our national partner and the private sector of Turkmenistan, we have installed solar panels to help cattle breeders pump water

We have helped to experiment with new irrigation technologies to showcase the saving water and energy by 2.5-3 times comparing to the traditional methods of irrigation in the agriculture.

On HEALTH: UNDP remains the primary recipient of the Global Fund grant and partner of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry on actions against Tuberculosis. We have helped many people to improve their lives as a result.

Development does not happen within one day, neither within one year. During the 75-year history of UN, 55-year history of UNDP, and 25 years of Neutrality of Turkmenistan, each of us has faced multiple challenges to development, faced various obstacles to progress, analyzed, experimented and learned certain lessons.

It seems that just recently we have implemented the Millennium Development Goals, worked on just 8 goals without any sophisticated targets. Today, we are taking forward 17 goals with over 100 targets. The development becomes more and more complex and sophisticated.

The history has demonstrated that we need to pursue development in its most comprehensive meaning. That’s what UNDP stands for, of course together with all our partners, the governments, civil society, private sector, international institutions.

We have this Planet one and for all, this life – one and for all, and only one chance to make sure that we leave no one behind.

Let me once again congratulate the people and government of Turkmenistan with this holiday and wish everyone a wonderful celebration of the Day of International Neutrality.

Natia Natsvlishvili,

UNDP Resident Representative a.i.




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Turkmenistan- Home of Neutrality and Role of ECO CCI in Sustainable Development, Adem KULA, Economic Cooperation Organization Chamber of Commerce and Industry  , Secretary General

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