- Agriculture is at the core of the state.
Oba hojalyk döwletiň özenidir.
- It is impossible to have a healthy society without a proper respect for the soil.
Topraga hormat goýman, sagdyn jemgyýeti gurmak mümkin däl.
Piter Maurin
- Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. The cities are the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deeply into the land. We all flourish or decline with the farmer.
Oba hojalygy, pudaklarymyzyň iň ulusy we iň möhümi. Şäherler milli durmuş agajynyň şahalary, kökleri topraga çuňňur aralaşýar. Biziň hemmämiz daýhan bilen gülläp ösýäris ýa-da pese gaçýarys.
Bernard Baruh
- If farm ecology and economics go wrong, nothing else will go right in agriculture.
Oba hojalyk ekologiýasy we ykdysadyýeti ýalňyş gitse, onda başga hiç zat oba hojalygynda dogry gitmez.
S. Swaminatan
- Agriculture is a fundamental source of national prosperity.
Oba hojalyk milli rowaçlygyň düýp çeşmesidir.
J. Mares
6.Agriculture is the process of turning eco-systems into people.
Oba hojalygy ekoulgamlary adamlara owürmekdir.
Tobi Hemenweý
7.A farmer is always going to be rich next year.
Daýhan hemişe indiki ýyl baýarys diýip niýet edýär.
8.Agriculture is the great art of directing and aiding nature in the performance of those functions which were designed by Providence for the comfort and subsistence of man.
Oba hojalygy adamyň rahatlygy we ýaşamagy üçin Alla tarapyndan döredilen, şol isleriniň ýerine ýetirmekde tebigata ýolbaşçylyk we kömek etmegiň ajayyp sungatydyr.
Lewis Kass
9.An agricultural life is one eminently calculated for human happiness and human virtue.
Oba hojalyk durmuşy adamyň bagty we ynsan ahlagy uçin ajaýyp hasaplanýar.
10.Agriculture for an honorable and high-minded man, is the best of all occupations or arts by which men procure the means of living.
Oba hojalygy hormatly we ýokary pikirli adam üçin, adamlaryň ähli hünärlerinden ýa-da sungatyndan iň gowusydyr.
- Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.
Oba hojalygy biziň iň akylly işimizdir, sebäbi ahyrynda hakyky baýlyga, gowy ahlaga we bagta goşant goşar.
Tomas Jefferson
- Agriculture engenders good sense, and good sense of an excellent kind.
Oba hojalygy gowy many we ajaýyp durmuş duýgusyny döredýär.
Jozef Joubert
Taýýarlan: Bahargül BEGNAZAROWA,
TOHU-nyň mugallymy.