Our “Neutrality” webpage has started to work

Nowadays, Turkmenistan celebrates the 25th anniversary of its Permanent Neutrality, declared by a special resolution of the United Nations.
In the year of “Turkmenistan – home of Neutrality”, many national and international events are being held and a number of new social and cultural buildings are being opened in the honor of the 25th anniversary of the Permanent Neutrality of our country.

We are also colleges of “Atavatan Turkmenistan” International magazine have created a special page called “Neutrality” on the website of our magazine www.atavatan-turkmenistan.com   together with the Turkmen’s Solidarity Society which is operating in the Republic of Turkey.  In that page you can read articles written by famous world politicians, scientists, representatives of international organizations, businessmen on the topic of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan.

“Ata Watan Eserleri” Competition

As we all know, the website of the international magazine Atavatan Turkmenistan www.atavatan-turkmenistan.com  is holding a creative contest on the topic “The love is core of life” on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Turkmenistan’s permanent neutrality. We are also planning to present 12 additional prizes in our main 25-awards for our creative competition.

Acceptance of articles in our creative competition has been completed and the winners will be announced on the eve of the Neutrality Day.

“Sanly Sözlük-Akylly Sözlük” Project

 (Digital Dictionary-Smart Dictionary Project)

We are also planning another present for our celebration of Neutrality Day. We have prepared the first smart dictionary project that can “speak” and “hear” in the Turkmen language, which consists of more than 15,000 main words in Turkmen and English. Our digital dictionary project is in the final stages and will be launched on the eve of International Neutrality Day.

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