Ata-ene, perzent, ogul-gyz hakynda Iňlis dilinde nakyllar

Makul Sözlük ata-babalarymyz tarapyndan döredilen Nakyllary Iňlis diline terjime edip dünýä halk köpçüligine ýetirmäge başlady. Biz Size  öň Watan, il-halk, ýolbaşçy hakynda nakyllary, Agzybirlik baradaky nakyllary we Zähmet, hünär, kesp-kär hakynda nakyllary Iňlis dilinde ýetirdik. Indi bolsa Size Ata-ene, perzent, ogul-gyz hakynda nakyllary Iňlis dilinde ýetirýäris. Siz bu nakyllary www.makulsozluk.com  saýtynyň “Türkmen Nakyllar”  bölüminden şu ýere basyp doly okap bilersiňiz!

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  1. Adam nesli – perzent. – A babe is a fruit of a person.


  1. Adama atadan gylyk-häsiýet, eneden bolsa zehin geçer. – A person takes a character from his father, and talent from his mother.


  1. Ata dünýäsi ogla gönezlik. – Father’s life for a son is essence.


4.Ata kesbi ogla halal. – It is desirable that a son should take his father’s trade.


  1. Ata-enäniň bahasy bolmaz, altyn-kümüşiň könesi. – Your parents are more precious than silver and gold taken together.


  1. Ata-enäniň göwni ogul-da gyzda, ogul-gyzyň göwni dag bile düzde. – Parents always think of their young children, while their children think of their future.


  1. Ata­enäniň öwretmedigini heňňam öwreder. – Worldly wisdom will teach you what your parents had no time to accomplish.


  1. Atanyň ojagy gymmat, enäniň gujagy. – Most precious things in your life are: your father’s hearth and your mother’s kindliness.


  1. Ataň barka, dost gazan, atyň barka-ýol. –Gain friends while your father is alive, and ride a lot of miles if you have a horse.


  1. Ataňy görenden akyl sora. – [If your grandfather’s passed away] Consult with your grandfather’s friends.


  1. Atasy bolmadyk bir gün aglar, enesi bolmadyk müň gün. – He who lost his father will mourn a day, he who lost his mother mourns the whole life.


  1. Atasyz – ýetim, enesiz – ýesir. A child without a mother is like a fish in shallow water.


  1. Bal süýji, baldan bala süýji. – Honey is sweet, but babe much honeyed.


  1. Bary ýok diýmäge bir öýde bir garry gerek. – Elderly aged parents are at home to keep the family prosperous.


  1. 15. Başda çagalar ene süýdüni sorýarlar, ulalansoň atasynyň ganyny sorýarlar. – Children suck the mother when they are young, the father when they are old.





  1. Boljak oglan bögünden (gylyk-häsiýetinden) belli.A child who will to be a good person is known by his looks.


  1. Boljak ýigit ol ýaşlykdan belli. – A child who will to be a good person is known by his looks.


  1. 18. Caga eziz, edebi ondanam eziz. – A babe is the dearest, still his upbrining is dearer than life.


  1. Çaga eziz, edebi ondanam eziz. Çagany ýaşlygyndan terbiýelemeli; çaga çybyk çalanyň bilen ölmez, çybyk çalmasaň, ol bikemal öser. – Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.


  1. Çaga iş buýur, yzyndan özüň ylga. – He who sends a child on an errand must go after him as well.


  1. Çagalar ene-atalaryndan görelde alýarlar. – Children imitate their parents.


  1. Çagaly öý – bazar. A house with a little child is a house with joy and laughter.


  1. Çagany ýaşdan, edebi başdan. – Spare the rod and spoil the child.


  1. Çagany ýaşlygyndan terbiýeleseň, ulalanda, atasynyň aladasyny eder. – Bring up your child from his early ages, and he will take care of you in your old ages.


  1. Çagaňa mähirli bol, ýaşlykdan oňa bilim-terbiýe ber. Çaga eziz, edebi ondan-da eziz. – Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.


  1. Çagasyz öý – mazar. A house without a child is like a tomb.


  1. Çagasyzyň gözünde bagt uçguny bolmaz.Whoever has no children has no light in his eyes.


  1. Döwletli ogul ojagyň gory. – A well-brought-up son is wealth of his family.


  1. Döwletliden döwlet ýokar, bidöwletden­mähnet. –People take good fortune from most prominent but suffer from worthless people.



  1. Durmuşa çykmadyk gyz – ýarylmadyk garpyz. – All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives?


  1. Düýe garrasa, köşegine eýerer. – An old camel is led by young one.


  1. Ekläniň gadyryny ekläňde bilersiň. Haçanda öz çagalaryň bolanda ene-ataň öňündäki borçlaryňa düşünip başlarsyň. – When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe your parents.


33.Ene ýüregi iki, ata ýüregi ýeke. – Father has one heart, mother has two hearts.


  1. Ertir tur ataňy gör, ataňdan soň – atyňy. – Early morning first visit your ancestor, then visit your steed.


  1. Garganyň “gaz” balasy, her kimiň öz balasy. Maýmyn hem öz çagasyna betnyşanym diýmez. – A monkey never thinks her baby’s ugly.


  1. Gurt çagasyndan ekdi bolmaz– once a wolf always a wolf.


  1. Gylygyndan söýdüren gys – gyzyldan. – The dearest beloved girl is she who to love her by her perfect b


  1. Gyz bar – nep getir, gaz bar – gep. – A girl benefits, another one gossips.


  1. Gyz bilen gyzyl berk saklanmalydyr (goralmaly). – Daughter and gold must be kept hidden.


  1. Her ene öz çagasyn owadan saýar. Every mother thinks her own goosling a swan.


  1. Herki zadyň öz wagty bar. – Children learn to creep ere they can go.


  1. 42. Iki aýakly, iki günde. – Children grow up in no time.


  1. Jemgyýet geljek nesilleriň aladasyny edýän ýaş-ulylaryň tagallalaryndan düýpgöter özgerýär. – A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.


  1. Jüýjäni güýz sanaşarlar. – Count one’s chickens before they are hatched.


  1. Näletkerde ogul ata-enesine ysnat ýetirer. (abraýyny ýere döker). – An ill-bred son dishonours his parents’ respect life.


  1. Näletkerde ogul dogdy-dogmady. Atasy ogluna mülküni berdi, ogly atasyna bir hoşa üzüm hem bermedi. – A father gave his son a vineyard, but a son did not give his father a bunch of grapes.


  1. Näletkerde ogluň garamaty atasyna ýeter. – If a son is disgraceful his father sorrows greatly.


  1. Oglanly öýüň ogurlygy ýatmaz. – Children have wide ears are long tongues.


  1. Ogluň ýanyna gelin gelinçä ogluň, – gyzyň – ömrüň ötünçä gyzyň. –A son is your son till he gets married, but a daughter stays as your daughter the whole of your life.


  1. Ogul atasyna – gyz enesine çeker. – A son takes after his father a daughter takes after her mother.


  1. Perzendiň näçe bolsa, ýüregiňem şonça. – Parents have their children’s hearts.


  1. Süri agsaksyz bolmaz. – A herd is not without lame ones.


  1. Ýaşlygyndan çagasyna edep-terbiýe bermedige, soňky ökünçden ne

peýda. You can do anything with children if you only play with them.


  1. Ýetim oglan öz göbegini özi keser. – An ophan boy defines his fate himself.


  1. Ýaşlyk bir guşdur, uçar gider bahar şemaly bilen, bir giden soň, tutdurmaz.Youth is like a bird; once it has flown away, you can’t hold it.


Zähmet, hünär, kesp-kär hakynda nakyllar Iňlis dilinde






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