Iňlis nakyllary Türkmen dilinde : Makul Sözlük

Ýadyňyzda bolsa Makul Sözlügiň döredijilik topary ata-babalarymyz tarapyndan uzak ýyllaryň dowamynda döredilen  türkmen nakyllarynyň 500 sanysyny iňlis diline terjime edip, Size ýetiripdi. Siz bu nakyllary saýtynyň Türkmen nakyllary bölümine şu ýere basyp okap bilersiňiz. Biziň döredijilik toparymyz indi bolsa, Size 500 sany iňlis nakyllaryny türkmen diline terjime edip, dykgatyňyza ýetirýär. Şeýlelikde, türkmen we iňlis nakyllarynyň terjime edilmegi dünýä halklarynyň arasyndaky medeni gatnaşyklarynyň pugtalanmagynda özboluşly köpri bolup hyzmat etjekdigine ynanýarys.

Iňlis nakyllary Watan, agzybirlik, zähmet, ata-ene, perzent, maşgala, är-aýal, adam we adamkärçilik, akyl, akmaklyk, dil, söz, at, bedew, ýagşylyk, ýamanlyk, päk ahlaklylyk, edep-terbiýe, dostluk,  ylym, bilim we adam saglygy ýaly mowzuklarda saýlanyp alyndy we türkmen diline terjime edildi.

  1. Watan hakyndaky Iňlis nakyllary.


1. A church without a leader is prey for the devil. Baş bolmasa, göwre läş.


2 A grave will cover a person’s shame. Adam  aýbyny ýer ýaşyr.
3 A great ship asks deep waters. Big ships sail in the sea. Uly gapylara uly gulp.
4 A high tree has a heavy fruit. Agaç ýokary bolsa miwesi aşak.
5 A person for a person is a guest, soul is temporarily in the body.  There is nothing permanent in the world. Adam adama myhman, jan – göwrä.
6 A person gets old but his soul doesn’t. Adam garrasa-da, köňül garramaz.
7 A shy cat makes a proud mouse. Il aglak bolsa, doňuz depä çykar.
8 A swan tends for a lake; a person tends to his Motherland. Guw köle, adam Watanyna ymtylýar.
9 A wise man will not reveal the secret of his nation. Ýagşy ýigit il aýbyn açmaz.
10 Better healthy than beauty. Görküm bolanyndan berkim bolsun.
11 Better to a shepherd in your native land than a king in alien country.  Ýat iliň soltany bolýançaň, öz iliň çopany bol.-
12 Better to be beggar in Kenya than a king in Egypt. Müsürde şa bolandan, Kenganda geda bol.
13 Better to be beggarly than a well-to-do in a foreign country/land. Gaýry ýurtda şa bolandan, öz ýurduňda geda bol.
14 East or West home is best. Towşana dogduk depe.
15 Even the smoke of my country is much more pleasant than other counrties fire. Watanyň tüssesi – iliň odundan ýagşy. –
16 Every nation as its heroes. Halk bar ýerinde gahryman hem bardyr.
17 Finger cut after consulting with people does not hurt. Il bilen kesilen barmak awamaz.
18 He who departed from his beloved will be suffering for seven years, and he who is departed from his country will have lifelong suffering. Ýaryndan aýrylan ýedi ýyl aglar, ýurdundan aýrylan ölinçä.
19 He who loves his parents greatly loves his Motherland. Atany söýen -Watany söýer.
20 If I have no my (native) people, I need no any life. Ilim-günüm bolmasa, aýym-günüm dogmasyn. –
21 If people appriciate, sacrifice your dearest horse. Il oňlasa, atyňy soý.
22 If you distinguish yourself in labour – people appreciate you Iş bitirseň – il tanar.
23 If the country is prosperous, no one has worry. Ata Watan aman bolsa, reňki-roýuň saman bolmaz.
24 Nation’s prosperity depends on self-sacrificing people, fish’s life is by water. Balygyň diriligi suw bilen, äriňki – il bilen.
25 Neither cut in at the beginning of the line nor stand out in the last line. Agaryp öňe düşme, garalyp yza-da alma.
26 People are well-fed – prosperity at home and peace abroad. Dok başa döwlet geler.
27 People is much more powerful than a high mountain torrent. Iliň güýji-siliň güýji.
28 People who live in glass house should not throw stones. Adamlar ýaşaýan ýurduna hyýanat etmeli däldirler.
29 Prosperious country is known by its  quiet life.   Abadan kent tüssesinden belli.


30 Public before private and country before family. Watanyň we halkyň bähbidi şahsy bähbitden ýokardadyr.
31 Shadow of a large tree covers  a thousand ship.                                               Bir agajyň kölegesine ýüz goýun sygar.
32 The well-fed dog stands guard over the village, the hungry dog looks for a bone. Dok it ýurt saklar, aç it oba gezer.
33 There is no happiness without companions. Ilim-günüm bolmasa, aýym-günüm bolmasyn
34 There is no mourning the loss of family and friends and feast without expressing offence. Agysyz ölüm bolmaz, öýkesiz – toý.
35 There is nо place like home. Towşana dogduk depe.
36 Unanimity is a state’s treasure, and nation’s value. Agzybirlik – döwletiň haztnasy, milletiň baş ýörelgesidir
37 When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.  Iliň parasatly ýaşulysy bar bolsa, obada asudalyk hem abadançylyk höküm sürer. –
38 You have to support what the majority of people do. Il bilen gelen – toý-da, baýram.
39 You will honour and respect your country when you move off it. Göçen ýurduň gadryny, gonan ýurduňda bilersiň.


  1. Agzybirlik hakynda Iňlis nakyllar


1 A courtyard common to all will be swept by none.   Ol eşekde ýüküm ýok, ýykylsa, habarym ýok. –
2 A herd of gazelle  covers its lame one. Köp keýik bir agsagyny bildirmez. –
3 Every little makes a mickle (many a little makes a mickle). Köp damjadan köl bolar. –
4 It is easy to swim if another holds up your chin (head).  Alar-alar etseň, ala köpek alar. –
5 Many hands make light work. Köplük, agzybir bolup işleseň, iş ýeňil bitýär. Agzybire taňry biýr.
6 Measure your cloth seven times before you cut. Ýedi ölçäp, bir kes. –
7 One man does not make a team. Ýekäniň çaňy çykmaz.
8 One man in the field is no warrior; Ýekäniň çaňy çykmaz.
9 One man no man. Ýekäniň çaňy çykmaz.
10 Six people united will reach high mountans peak, while sixty people disunited will fall into a valley. Altynyň agzy bir bolsa asmandakyny alar, altmyşyň agzy ala bolsa, agzyndakyny aldyrar. –
11 Supported each other will not fall down. Söýenişen ýykylmaz.
12 The old camel is beaten with a stick. Düýäniň ulusy kötek iýer. –
13 The supported dog conquers the wolf.   Arkaly köpek gurt alar. –
14 The voice of one man is the voice of no one; Ýekäniň çaňy çykmaz.
15 Toiling jointly, hand in hand, people gain great achievements. Unremitting toil of millions crashes mountains. Arkalaşan dag aşar.
16 Two ands, but one head. Iki kelle bir baş üçin.
17 Trivet has three legs, each supports others, if one is broken, it’s useful for nothing. Tagan aýagy üç bolar, bir-birine güýç bolar, biri döwülse – hiç bolar.
18 Unanimity is a state’s treasure, and and nation’s value. Agzybirlik – döwletiň haztnasy, milletiň aş ýörelgesidir.
19 Unanimity of the nation is supported by God, while separated nation will be crashed. Agzybire Taňry biýr, agzalany gaňrybiýr.
20 Unanimity of the nation means unity of ideas. Agyz bir bolsa, göwün jem bolar.-
21 Unanimty gathers people at one table, while disunited nation starves to death. Agzybirler aş getirer, agzalalar ýaş getirer.
22 Well-considered project plan will be perfect. Maslahatly biçilen don gysga bolmaz.
23 When there is no enemy within the country, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. Öz araňyzda (içiňizde) duşman bolmasa, daşyndan duşman size zeper ýetirip bilmez.
24 When there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Iliň parasatly ýaşulysy bar bolsa, obada asudalyk hem abadançylyk höküm sürer. –
25 Where is unity there is strength. The unity is a great strength. Agzyirlik uly güýçdir. Altynyň agzy bir bolsa, asmandakyny alar.
26 Where there is no peace, there can be no prosperity. Parahatçylyk, asudaluk bar ýerinde gülläp ösüş hem bardyr.
27 You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. El eli ýuwar, iki el birigip – ýüzi.


  1. Zähmet, hünär, kesp-kär hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1. A bad beginning makes a bad ending.


Göwünsiz başlanan iş şowsuz tamamlanýar. Kynlyk bilen başlanan iş şowsuzlygyň girewidir.
2 A bad cause requires many words.  Işi bitirmejek adam müň gep (bahana) tapar.
3 A bad workman never finds a good tool. Bikäriň elinde oňat gural bolmaz.
4 A bad workman quarrels with his tools. Bikäriň guraly kütek.
5 A cat in gloves catches no mice. Azapsyz iş oňdurmaz.
6 A cobbler is (always) without shoes. Ädikçiniň ädigi bitmez.
7 A fish gets smart after it has gotten into the net. Iş-işden geçensoň çuslanmak. Soňky tüýkülik sakgal ezmez.
8 A good beginning is half the battle. Gowy başlanan iş – üstünligiň girewidir.
9 A good beginning makes

a good ending.

Oňat başlanan iş – üstünligiň girewidir.
10 A good cat deserves a good rat.  Hyzmatyňa görä hormat bolmaly.
11 A good dog deserves a good bone. Oňat edilen iş oňat sylaga mynasypdyr.
12 A great fortune depends on luck, a small one on diligence. Bagtyň ýa çüwer ýa çüwmez, ýöne bagtyň açary zähmetdedir.
13 A lazy bone bull shall not have fodder. Ýatan öküze iým ýok.
A lazy one is always hungry. Ýaltanan ýal tapmaz.
14  A lazy youth, a lousy age.


Ulalanda iş hoş ýakmaz, ýaşlykdan köýmeýen ýigide.
15 A loaf of bread cries when a loafer eats it.  Işýakmaz iýende, çörek aglarmyş.
16 A loafer will become either a beggar  or a thief. Işsizlik ýa gedaýçylyga elter, ýa-da ogurlyga. –
17 A man does not seek his luck, luck itself finds the man. Adam bagtyny gözlemez, rysgalyň özi adamy tapar.
18 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink. Aty çeşmä getirip bilersiň, emma zor edip ony suwa ýakyp bilmersiň.
19 A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. Iş bitirmän, boş söz berýän adam, howluda biten haşal ot mysalydyr.
20 A man who gives his children habits of industry provides for them better than by giving them a fortune. Çagalaryna zähmetsöýerligi öwredýän adam, olara iň gymmatly miras galdyrýandyr.
21 A person can gain his daily bread by working, if doesn’t – he lacks it. Bar-bar işden bar, işlemedik nana zar.
22 A peson with a trade is like a fruit tree. Hünärli ýigit – miweli agaç.
23 A son eats his bread where it can be earned. Erkek adam rysgalynyň atylan ýerden iýer.
24 A trade not properly learned is an enemy. Kämil öwrenilmedik hünär – özüňe ýagy.
25 An apprentice who will not excel his master at his trade, the profession disappears.  Şägirt halypadan ozdurmasa, kär ýiter.
26 An early riser is sure to be in luck.


Ir turan, isinden dynar. Ir turanyň rysgalyny Hudaý ýetir.
27 An open mouth remains not hungry. Agzy açyk, aç ölmez.
28 Business is the salt of life. Zähmet – durmuşyň özeni.-
29 Business makes a man as well as tries him. Zähmet adamy adam edýär we taplaýar.
30 Butter to butter is no relish. Birsydyrgyn işler adamy irizýär.-
31 By doing nothing we learn to do ill. Işlemedik hassa bolar.
32 Caution is the parent of safety.  Ätiýaçlyk – howpsuzlygyň girewidir.
33 Chickens come home to roost. Ekeniňi orarsyň.
34 Cut one’s teeth on. Işiň abyny-tabyny ele almak; öz käriň ussady bolmak.
35 Don’t just count your years, make your years  count.


Hiç wagt ýaşyňyzy sanamaň, goý, ýaşyňyz siziň bitiren işleriňizi sanasyn.
36 Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. Jüýjäni güýz sanaşarlar.
37 Drive it to the last minute.


Işiň tamamlanmagyny iň soňky pursadyna çenli çekmek
38 Fertile soil is mother of wealth, while labour is its father. Baýlygyň enesi ýer, atasy – zähmet. –
39 Genius is one percent inspiration, 99 per cent perspiration.   Üstünligiň agramly bölegini yhlasly zähmet we galan birji göterimini zehin düzýändir.
40 Gentility without ability is worse than plain beggary. Hünärsiz öz ardyny ýapmaz Hünärsiz asylzadalyk lüt gedaýdan-da erbetdir. –
41 Go on a wildgoose chase. Düýnki güni gözlemek. (Bolmajak zat bilen meşgullanmak)
42 God sends a cussed cow short horns, cussed cows have cut horns. Höwes bar-da ukyp ýok.
43 He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils.   Täzeçilikleri ulanmaýan adama  diňe täze şowsuzlyklara duçar bolmak garaşýar.
44 He who searches, finds. Agtaran tapar.
45 He who does not work, neither shall he eat. Işlemedik-dişlemez.
46 He who doesn’t plant a tree will not rest under it. Saýany ekmedik—salkynda ýatmaz. –
47 Honest labour  bears a lovely face. Halal zähmetiň ahlagy päk.
48 If you have cattle, it is temporarily, but if you have a profession it is forever. Mal bir günlük, hünär ýüz ýyllyk.
49 If you want to be respected, labour hard. Abraý aljak bolsaň, artyk işle.
50 It is the first step that costs. Oňat başlangyç – oňat netije
51 It’s a case of diamond cut diamond; he’s met his match this time. Eňek bermezlik
52 Labour hard and you’ll enjoy its pleasure. Çekseň zähmet, ýagar rehnet.
53 Learn different skills and use them in life. Hünäri öwren-de, ýigren.
54 Make your first step and keep on – and you’ll reach your aim. Herekete –bereket.
55 Many wits (heads) are better than one. Maslahatlaşylyp biçilen don gysga bolmaz.
56 Not do a stitch (a stroke) of work. Ýatan çöpi galdyrmazlyk.
57 Pear, get ripe and fall right into my mouth. Alma biş, agzyma düş.
58 Take the bull by the horns. Başdan işiň esasy ýerinden ýapyşmak.
59 The surest way to remain poor is to be an honest man. Adalatly adam päk zähmeti bilen hiç wagt baýap bilmez.
60 The work isn’t going anywhere. Işiň gitjek ýeri bolmaz, garaşar.
61 To make a pig’s ear of smth. / out of smth. Bir işi gaty ýaramaz ýerinne ýetirmek; işi harsal etmek.
62 Two heads are better than one. Maslahatly biçilen don gysga bolmaz.
63 Unfinished work will stay under snow. Galan işe gar ýagar.
64 Well began half done. Oňat başlanan iş – üstünligiň girewidir.
65 Well-skilled [man] always finds his occupation in life. Hünärli ýigit hor bolmaz.
66 Work little by little – you learn a trade, if don’t work you’ll  be a sick one. Az-az işleseň ussa bolarsyň, işlemeseň – hassa.


  1. Ata-ene, perzent, ogul-gyz hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1 A babe is a fruit of a person Adam nesli – perzent. –
2 A babe is the dearest, still his upbrining is dearer than life. Caga eziz, edebi ondanam eziz.
3 A child who will to be a good person is known by his looks. Boljak oglan  bögünden (gylyk-häsiýetinden) belli.
4 A child who will to be a good person is known by his looks.  Boljak ýigit ol ýaşlykdan belli.
5 A child without a mother is like a fish in shallow water. Atasyz – ýetim, enesiz – ýesir.
6 A father gave his son a vineyard, but a son did not give his father a bunch of grapes. Näletkerde ogul dogdy-dogmady. Atasy ogluna mülküni berdi, ogly atasyna bir hoşa üzüm hem bermedi.
7 A girl benefits, another one gossips. Gyz bar – nep getir, gaz bar – gep.
8 -A herd is not without lame ones. Süri agsaksyz bolmaz.
9 A house with a little child is a house with joy and laughter. Çagaly öý – bazar. –
10 A house without a child is like a tomb. Çagasyz öý – mazar.
11 A monkey never thinks her baby’s ugly. Garganyň “gaz” balasy, her kimiň öz balasy. Maýmyn hem öz çagasyna betnyşanym diýmez.
12 A person takes a character from his father, and talent from his mother. Adama atadan gylyk-häsiýet, eneden bolsa zehin geçer.
13 A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in. Jemgyýet geljek nesilleriň aladasyny edýän ýaş-ulylaryň tagallalaryndan düýpgöter özgerýär.
14 A son is your son till he gets married, but a daughter stays as your daughter the whole of your life. Ogluň ýanyna gelin gelinçä ogluň, – gyzyň – ömrüň ötünçä gyzyň.
15 A son takes after his father a daughter takes after her mother. Ogul atasyna – gyz enesine çeker.
16 A well-brought-up son is wealth of his family.                      Döwletli ogul ojagyň gory.
17 All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives? Durmuşa çykmadyk gyz – ýarylmadyk garpyz.
18 An ill-bred son dishonours his parents’ respect life. Näletkerde ogul ata-enesine ysnat ýetirer. (abraýyny ýere döker).
19 An old camel is led by young one. Düýe garrasa, köşegine eýerer.
20 An ophan boy defines his fate himself. Ýetim oglan öz göbegini özi keser.
21 Bring up your child from his early ages, and he will take care  of you in your old ages.     Çagany ýaşlygyndan terbiýeleseň, ulalanda, atasynyň aladasyny eder. –
22 Children grow up in no time. Iki aýakly, iki günde.
23 Children have wide ears are long tongues. Oglanly öýüň ogurlygy ýatmaz.
24 Children imitate their parents. Çagalar ene-atalaryndan görelde alýarlar.
25 Children learn to creep ere they can go. Herki zadyň öz wagty bar.
26 Children suck the mother when they are young, the father when they are old.  Başda çagalar ene süýdüni sorýarlar, ulalansoň atasynyň ganyny sorýarlar.
27 Count one’s chickens before they are hatched.  Jüýjäni güýz sanaşarlar.
28 Daughter and gold must  be kept hidden. Gyz bilen gyzyl berk saklanmalydyr (goralmay).
29 Early morning first visit your ancestor, then visit your steed. Ertir tur ataňy gör, ataňdan soň – atyňy.
30 Elderly aged parents are at home to keep the family prosperous Bary ýok diýmäge bir öýde bir garry gerek.
31 Every mother thinks her own goosling a swan. Her ene öz çagasyn owadan saýar.-
32 Father has one heart, mother has two hearts. Ene ýüregi iki, ata ýüregi ýeke. –
33 Father’s life for a son is essence. Ata dünýäsi ogla gönezlik.
34 Gain friends while your father is alive, and ride a lot of miles if you have a horse. Ataň barka, dost gazan, atyň barka-ýol.
35 He who lost his father will mourn a day, he who lost his mother mourns the whole life.  Atasy bolmadyk bir gün aglar, enesi bolmadyk müň gün.
36 He who sends a child on an errand must go after him as well. Çaga iş buýur, yzyndan özüň ylga. –
37 Hold your children with your heart but teach them with your hands.  Çagaňa mähirli bol, ýaşlykdan oňa bilim-terbiýe ber. Çaga eziz, edebi ondan-da eziz.
38 Honey is sweet, but babe much honeyed.  Bal süýji, baldan bala süýji.
39 If a son is disgraceful his father sorrows greatly. Näletkerde ogluň garamaty atasyna ýeter.
40 [If your grandfather’s passed away] Consult with your grandfather’s friends. Ataňy görenden akyl sora.
41 It is desirable that a son should take Ata kesbi ogla halal.
42 Most precious things in your life are: your father’s hearth and your mother’s kindliness Atanyň ojagy gymmat, enäniň gujagy.
43 Once a wolf always a wolf. Gurt çagasyndan ekdi bolmaz-
44 Parents always think of their young children, while their children think of their future. Ata-enäniň göwni ogul-da gyzda, ogul-gyzyň göwni dag bile düzde. –
45 Parents have their children’s hearts. Perzendiň näçe bolsa, ýüregiňem şonça. –
46 People take good fortune from most prominent but suffer from worthless people. Döwletliden döwlet ýokar, bidöwletden­mähnet.
47 Spare the rod and spoil the child. Çagany ýaşdan, edebi başdan.
48 The dearest beloved girl is she who to love her by her perfect behaviour.   Gylygyndan söýdüren gys – gyzyldan.
49 When you have children yourself, you begin to understand what you owe your parents. Ekläniň gadyryny ekläňde bilersiň. Haçanda öz çagalaryň bolanda ene-ataň öňündäki borçlaryňa düşünip başlarsyň. –
50 Whoever has no children has no light in his eyes. Çagasyzyň gözünde bagt uçguny bolmaz.
51 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.  Çaga eziz, edebi ondanam eziz.  Çagany ýaşlygyndan terbiýelemeli; çaga çybyk çalanyň bilen ölmez, çybyk çalmasaň, ol bikemal öser. –
52 Worldly wisdom will teach you what your parents had no time to accomplish Ata­enäniň öwretmedigini heňňam öwreder.
53 You can do anything with children if you only play with them. Ýaşlygyndan çagasyna edep-terbiýe bermedige, soňky ökünçden ne peýda.
54 Your parents are more precious than silver and gold taken together.   his father’s trade. Ata-enäniň bahasy bolmaz, altyn-kümüşiň könesi.
55 Youth is like a bird; once it has flown away, you can’t hold it. Ýaşlyk bir guşdur, uçar gider bahar şemaly bilen, bir giden soň, tutdurmaz.


5. Maşgala, är-aýal hakynda Iňlis nakyllary



1 A carper will cavil at anything. Dannan gyz ärsiz galar.
2 A daughter eats her bread where she is married. Gyz kişi maşgalasydyr.
3 A girl you are going to marry – seems to the best. Alynjak gyz Aý görner.
4 A good Jack makes a good Jill. Heleýi heleý bolanyň, äri ner bolar.
5 A good wife makes a good husband. Ýagşy aýalyň äri oňat. Äri är edýän aýaldyr.
6 A house without a dog or a cat is the house of a scoundrel.   Maşgalada sene-menesiz, dawa-jenjelsiz bolmaz.-
7 A marriage is a procession in which the cross goes first. Maşgala durmuşy sene-menesiz bolmaz. –
8 A quarrel between husband and wife lasts no time. Ýaz gününiň ýagşy, är-aýalyň urşy.
9 A straw shows which way the wind blows. Gyzym saňa diýeýin, gelnim sen düşün.
10 A woman after the birth of a child is the most beautiful sight. Çagaly ene – göze iň ýakymly zenandyr.  –
11 A woman’s work is never done. Aýalyň öýündäki işi hiç wagt gutarmaz.
12 A woman’s belly is a garden with many kinds of fruit. Çagaly aýal – dürli miweli bag ýalydyr.
13 A worthy woman is far more precious than jewels, strength and dignity are her clothing. Gözel bardyr, gözellerden zyýada, nirede bolsa tapyp, alasyň geler.
14 Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Süri agsaksyz bolmaz.
15 An orphan boy defines his fortune himself. Ýetim oglan öz göbegini özi keser.
16 Ask for your wife’s advice and then do the opposite. Aýalyňa sala sal, ýöne maslahatyna eýerme; öz bileniňi et.
17 Beloved children have many names.   Maşgalada eziz çaganyň ady köp.
18 Bow a twig while its young, otherwise you can’t do it. Çybygy wagtynda bükmeseň, ulalansoň bükdürmez.
19 Every wise woman builds her house: but the fool plucks it down with her hands. Aýal  bar – öý düzer, aýal  bar – öý bozar. –
20 Good wife makes a good husband. Äri är edýän aýaldyr.
21 Happy the marriage where the husband is the head and the wife the heart. Agzybir maşgalada är – baş, aýal – ojakdyr.
22 He knows not what love is that has no children. Çagasy bolmadyk söýgüniň nämedigini bilmez.
23 If man be a river, then woman will be a bridge. Eger erkek derýa bolsa, aýal – köpri.
24 If you beat a cow’s horn, it trembles with its whole body. Sygryň şahyna ursaň, endamy syzlar. –
25 If your wife is awkward, you have to thread a needle. Aýalyň emelsiz bolsa, iňňä özüň sapak ötirsiň.
26 In good a family a bride becomes an excellent wife. Gelni gelin edýän düşen ýeri.
27 Man is the head of the family, woman the neck that turns the head.   Är – maşgalanyň baştutany, aýal – ojak eýesi. –
28 Marriage is a stone wall. Maşgalam – baş galam.
39 Marriages are made in heaven. Aýalyň bilen ajal hudaý  tarpyndan maňlaýyňa ýazylan. Täleýe ýazylandan çykma ýok.
30 Marry in haste, and reprent at leisure. Howlugyp öýlenen, tiz öküner. –
31 May your bride bring you good fortune! Gelnimiň aýagy [düşsün].
32 More things belong to marriage than four bare legs in a bed. Maşgala bolmak has köp zatlara borçly edýändir.
33 Mother in-law and dauhter in-law are ≈ of the same kidney. Gaýyn-gelniň topragy bir ýerden alynarmyş.
34 Mother in-law and dauhter in-law are one integrated a single unit. Gaýyn-gelin gapakly gazan.
35 Mother’s darlings are but milksop heroes.  Ejemogullardan (gorkaklardan) batyr bolmaz.
36 No woman can make a wise man out of a fool, but every woman can change a wise man into a fool. Eýäm görkezmesin ýaman hatyny, adam özün bilmez, ham hyýal bolar.
37 Obedience to a woman leads to hell. Aýala boýun bolan erkegiň jaýy dowzahdyr.
38 One day of family discord causes to lose forty days of abundance. Bir gün agzalalyk bolan öýden kyrk günki bereket gider.
39 The falling out of.lovers is the renewing of love. Är-aýalyň urşy – ýaz gününiň ýagşy.
40 The most dangerous food to eat is a wedding cake.   Maşgala durmuşynyň şatysy süýjülik tortdan başlanýar.
41 There is no fireside like your own fireside. Öz (öýdäki)  ojagyňdan yssy, mähirli ojak bolmaz.
42 There is one good wife in the country, and every man thinks he has her.  Öz söýniň özüňe peri.
43 They are both of the same leaven Olaryň gönezligi bir.
44 Unanimity in the family is a real treasure. Maşgalada agzybirlik bolsa, hazyna gerek däl.
45 Whoever  the heart loves, she is the beauty. Öz söýeniň özüňe peri.
46 With a good son-in-law you gain a son, with a bad one you lose your daughter, too. Gelniň oňat duşsa, ikinji ogluň boldugy, erbet duşsa, ogluňy hem ýitirdigiň.
47 Women and cats in the house, men and dogs in the street.   Är – maşgala başy, aýal – ojak eýesi.


6. Adam we adamkärçilik mertebeleri hakynda Iňlis naykllary


1 A bad one breaks his board. Kişä ýamanlyk etjek bolan, özüne zyýan eder. Eder eder, özüne  eder, kişi kişä näme eder.
2 A bad man is worse when he pretends to be saint. Ýaramaz adam akylly görünjek bolup, öňküje  abraýyndanam düşýär.
3 A beggar can never be bankrupt. Gedaý hiç wagt tozmaz.
4 A bitter eggplant does not get frost bitten.                                                Ajy badamjany sowuk urmaz.
5 A black hen lays a white egg. Gara goýundan agam dogar, gara-da.
6 A blessing in disguise. Ajysy bolmagygyň, süýjüsi bolmaz. Haýyrsyz şer bolmaz.
7 A blind leader of the blind. Kör köri idýän bolsa, uzaga gitmez. –
8 A boy without father is an orphan, but without mother he is a destitute. Atasyz oglan – ýetim, enesiz oglan – ýesir.
9 A child who will grow to be a wise man looks foresighted. Adam çykjak oglan alysa garar.


10 A diamond of the first water. Gyzyl ýaly adam (iň bir adamkärçilikl adam)
11 A dimple on the chin, the devil within. Adam alasy içinde. Ýylgyrsa-da, içi melgun.
12 A fox is not taken twice in the same snare. Kör hasasyn bir aldyrar. –
13 A good fellow  keeps people’s  secret. Ýagşy ýigit il aýbyny açmaz.
14 A good intention is a half wealth. Ýagşy niýet ýarym döwlet.
15 A good man will appear when talked about. Ýagşyny agzasaň, ýagşyzada geler.
16 A man can die but once. Bir başa bir ölüm.
17 A man can escape a man but fate.


Adam adamdan gutular, adam pälinden utulmaz.
18 A man can judge fairly. Adamyň iki gözi terezi.-
19 A man is known by his deed a tree – by its fruit. Adam kylmyşyndan belli, agaç – miwesinden.
20 A person is known by his manner of speech, a bird may be known by its song.  Adam sözleýşinden belli, guş – ucuşyndan.


21 A person must keep his  word. Ýigit sözi bir gerek.
22 A person’s intentions are hidden in his heart, but animal bares its teeth. Adam alasy içinde, haýwan alasy daşynda.
23 A person’s respect depends on himself. Adamyň abraýy özüne bagly. –.
24 A pespected person has his name, but disgrace – shame. Agyň ady bar, garanyň dady bar.


25 A wealthy man’s enemy is a spark, a beauty’s enemy is a pimple. Baý adamyň ýagysy – men-menlik, gözelligiň duşmany – düwürtik.
26 A wolf in sheep’s clothing. Goýun derisine giren möjek.
27 A wolf might lose his teeth, but not his character. Öwrenen gylyk örkleseň-de durmaz.
28 Activity of a respectful person is always successful. Abraýly ýigide ýaraly keýik sataşar.


29 All bread is not baked in one oven. Adamlar häsitýetleri boýunça  dürli-dürli bolýarlar. Hemmäni bir aýakdan sürmezler.
30 An orphan determines his destiny himself. Ýetim oglan öz göbegini özi keser.
31 Be watchful to still waters running deep bottoms. Siňňin akan suwdan gork.
32 Be watchful who is afraid of God and who is not afraid of God. Bir-ä Hudaýdan gorkandan gork, birem gorkmadykdan.
33 He who forgives a person’s faults is saint.  Geçirimliniň işi şow.
34 Life is short, art is long. Adam amanat, amaly baky.
35 Look at a man’s face and ask him how’s his life. Adamyň ýüzüne gara-da, halyny sora.
36 Man’s flesh is haram (forbidden) but being a man of your word is halal (worthy, honourable) Adamyň eti haram, lebzi halal.


37 Man’s life is as running water. Adam ömri akar suw.
38 Mountains do not meet, but men do. Adam adama gowuşar, dag daga gowuşmaz.
39 One must work hard to achieve respect, while disgrace may be achieved in no time. Abraýy tapyp bolmaz, biabraýlyk duran ýeriňde.


40 Smooth waters run deep.


Adamyň ýere bakanyndan gork,  suwuň sus akanyndan.
41 Smooth waters run deep. Ýuwaş bimaza.
42 Still waters have deep bottoms. Saman astyndan suw goýberen.
43 There is a human creature precious than diamond, there is a man worthless than any animal being. Adam bar gyzyl alma nagşydyr,  Adam bar ­ haýwan ondan ýagşydyr.


44 Time is a good master and labour makes you richer. Ömür öwreder,  zähmet baýadar.
45 To err is human. Adam çig süýt emen.
46 You were born as a child and die as a childish. Adamyň owaly-da oglanlyk, ahyry-da.




Päk ahlaklylyk barada


47 A camel does not see its own hump but sees that of its friend. Dýe öz boýnunyň egrisini görmän, ýylana egri diýýär. Öz kemçiligiňi görmän ile at dakmak.
48 A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Aç başym, dynç gulagym. Garyplyk – pyssy-pujurlyk etmekden ýegdir.
49 A clean hand wants no washing. Hasaby päk bolanyň göwni ak bolar.
50 A clear conscience is a soft pillow. Ynsaplynyň wyždany päk.
51 A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. Arassa ynsap töhmetden gorkmaz. Wyždany päk ynsap odundan (ezýedinden) gorkmaz. –
52 A good conscience is a constant feast. Ak göwünliň aty armaz, dony tozmaz. Päk wyždan – ömürlik abraý.


Mertik, batyrlyk –– namartlyk, gorkaklyk barada


53 A cat in a cage becomes a lion.  Şir görmedik tikiniň murty syh-syh bolarmyş.
54 A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.   Her kim öz öýünde batyr.
55 A coward will always think with  his legs. Namart hemişe akly kesişiçe pikir eder. Gorkagyň akly giç geler.
56 A drowning man is not troubled by rain.                                                     Suwda gark bolup barýan ýagyşdan gorkmaz.
57 Brave dies once, coward – a thousand times. Batyr bir öler, gorkak müň. –
58 Even your mouth is full of blood don’t show your powerlessness before your enemy. Agzyň doly gan bolsa­da, ýagynyň ýanynda tüýkürme.
59 Every dog is a lion at his own downhill. Item öz howlusynda batyr.
60 A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.  Every dog is valiant at his own door. Her kim öz öýünde batyr. Item öz howlusynda batyr.-
61 Every dog is valiant at his own door. Item öz obasynda batyrgaý üýürýär.
62 Fortune favours the brave. Edermenlik dag ýarar.


7. Akyl we akmaklyk barada Iňlis nakyllary


1 A big head and little wit. Saçyna ak girse-de, aň girmedik. Ulalyp oňalmadyk.
2 A burnt child dreads the fire. Süýtde agzy bişen, suwy üfläp içer.
3 A coward will always think with his legs.    Gorkagyň akly giç geler. –
4 A donkey  (ass)between two bundles of hay. Iki gäminiň başyny tutan derýa gark bolar. Ikä çapýan birden galar. Iki jan owarrasy.
5 A fault confessed is half redressed. Zeleliň ýaryndan gaýtmak peýda. –
6 A fool always rushes to the fore.


Akmak, akyllydan ökde boljak bolup, hemişe öňe sokuljak bolar.
7 A fool and his money are soon parted. Däliniň gazanany bezenenine ýetmez.
8 A fool at forty is a fool indeed. Akmak kyrk ýaşda-da akamkdyr. –
9 A fool may ask more questions in an hour than a wise man can answer in seven years.    Bir tentegiň soragyna müň akylly ýedi ýyllap jogap tapmaz.
10 A fool may give a wise man a counsel. Däliniň müň gepi telek, bir gepi gerek.
11 A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.  Akmagyň müň gepi telek, bir gepi gerek (derek).
12 A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out. Akmagyň guýa taşlan daşyny ýüz akylly çykaryp bilmez.
13 A fool seeks disgrace from his people.   Akmak öz ilinden aýyp gözlär.
14 A fool when he is silent is counted wise.  Akmak dymsa, akylly saýylar. –
15 A fool’s bolt is soon shot. Däliniň müň gepi telek, bir gepi gerek.
16 A fool’s bolt may sometimes hit the mark. Tentegiň müň gepi telek, bir gepi derek tutýar
17 A fool’s tongue runs before his wit. Akmagyň dili aklyndan öňde.
18 A fox is not taken twice in the same snare. Kör hasasyn bir aldyr, iki aldyrmaz.
19 A stupid can breed strife among  five wise people. Bir samsyk bäş akyllyň agzyny alardar.
20 A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will. Akylla ýalbarsaň peseler, akmaga ýalbarsaň – eseler.
21 A wise man hears one word and understands two.  Dana bir söz eşidip iki söz düşüner.
22 A wise man keeps his respect even though he loses his wealth. Akylly döwletden düşse­de, hormatdan düşmez.
23 A wise praises his friend, the slow-witted his wife and the idiot praises himself. Akylly dostuny öwer, kemakyl aýalyny, samsyk özüni.
24 A word is enough to the wise. Akylla yşarat. Akylla bir söz besdir. –
25 Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. – (W.Şekspir). Akmak dana boladan, samsyk akylly bolan ýegdir.
26 Better to be a younger brother of a wise man than an elder brother of an idiot.   Akmagyň agasy bolandan, akyllynyň inisi bol.
27 Better to mourn with a wise than to make a joy with fool. Akmak bilen gülüşenden, akylly bilen aglaşan ýagşy.
28 Expectation consumes embarrassment. Hantamaçylyk haýaňy iýer.
29 I don’t seek my fate, but my destiny finds me. Men gezmen, nesibäm gezer.
30 Intelligent learns lanuages. Akylly adam dil öwrener.
31 It is wise to remain silent to the fool’s speech.  Akmaga dymmaklyk – jogap.
32 Think much, act swift. Agyr otur, ýeňil gop.


33 Too many cooks spoil the broth. Mollasy köp bolsa, toklusy haram öler.
34 While a wise man is coming to conclusion, an idiot fulfills it. Akylly oýlanýança, tentek işini bitirer.
35 You can appreciate a person’s   true worth comparing him with a fool. Akyllynyň gadyry akmak ýanynda bilner.


8. Dil, söz hakynda Iňlis nakyllary: 

1 A bad corn promise is better than a good lawsuit.  Çykmadyk janda umyt bar.
2 A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles. Agyz-agyzdan ýel alar. Gybat söz dag aşar.
3 A bargain is a bargain. Lebiz halal. Söz berdiňmi, sözüňde tapyl. Şert puldan gymmat.
4 A big problem is caused by a little tongue. Başa bela iki barmak dilden geler.
5 A close mouth catches no flies. Dek gezen, dok gezer. Dil hem gala, hem bela.
6 A cordial word encourages sad soul. Bir garybyň köňlüni «Hoş geldiň!» awlar.
7 A country can be judged by the quality of its proverbs. Halk  öz nakyllarynyň hili bilen tanalar.
8 A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Dili bal, ýüregi zäher.
9 A mouth is opened for the benefit. Agyz açarlar haýyr söz üçin.
10 A person usually suffers from his tongue. Adam dilinden tapar.
11 A person’s manner of speech reflects his politeness. Edep başy – dil.
12 A proverb is the child of experience. Atalar sözüdir nakyllar durmuş tejribesiniň önümidir. Akylyň bolsa akyla eýerer, akylyň bolmasa – nakyla.
13 A tongue is given to a person to speak of pleasant things. Agyz açarlar haýyr söz üçin.
14 A tongue unlocks a secret which can’t be unlocked by teeth. Agzy gulply sandygy diş açmasa, dil açar.
15 A word released from a mouth is as a sot bullet. Agyzdan çykan söz atylan ok.
16 A word spoken by a man is spread by thousands. Bir agyzdan çykan söz müň agyza ýaýylar.
17 A word spoken is past recalling, it can’t be taken back.  Agyzdan çykan söz atylan ok – dolap bolmaz.
18 Be swift to hear, slow to speak. Azrak gürle-de, köpräk diňle.
19 Carelessness speech may cause problems. Biseresap gepleseň, dildir başyň belasy.
20 Feed smb. with promises (hopes). Hoşuň atasy ölmändir.
21 Fine words butter no parsnips. Bal diýeniň bilen agyz süýjemez, süýjese-de aňryňa zat düşmez.
22 Fine words butter no parsnips. Gury sözden palaw bolmaz.
23 If don’t have wheat bread to give a person, encourage him with a cordial word. Bugdaý nanyň bolmasa, bugdaý sözüň ýokmudy.
24 Man proposes, but God disposes. Hesip edeniň bolmaz, nesip edeni bolar.
25 Mouth is one, ears are two: speak one, listen twice. Agyz bir, gulak iki, bir geple, iki diňle.
26 Polite words breaks bone.  Hoşamaý söz süňk döwer.
27 Smooth-tongued softens a heart. Şirin dil ýüregi ýumşadar.
28 Speak (talk) of the devil and he will appear. Gurt agzasaň, gurt geler.
29 Speech is silver but silence is gold. Dil bela, diş – gala.
30 Still tongue makes a wise head.  Dyman agyz – akylly kelle (saýylar). –
31 Sun risen from clouds and a word from young wife’s yashmak tongue  – burn sharply. Bulutdan çykan Gün ýakar, ýaşmakdan çykan dil.
32 Though a word is wind, it swells up the heart. Gep –ýel bolsa-da, ýürek çişirer. –
33 To err is human. Adam çig süýt emen.
34 Where is a person there is a gossip,  where is rye there is hay. Adam bar – gep bar, arpa bar – çöp bar.
35 Where is honey there is bee. Bal bar ýerinde ary bardyr.
36 Who knows most, speaks least.  Köp bilýän az gürleýär.


9. At-bedew hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1 A good  horse should  be seldom spurred. Ýagşy ata bir gamçy.
2 A good horse cannot be a bad colour. Bedew jul içinde. –
3 A horse grows old but not a field. At garrar, meýdan garramaz.
4 A horse is known by its steps, a horseman by his sight. At basyşyndan bellidir, är – bakyşyndan.
5 A horse looks forward; a young man looks in the future. Ýagşy at öňüni gözlär, ýagşy ýigit soňuny.
6 A horse never drinks water from aa dog’s bowl. It içen suwdan at içmez. –
7 A horse stumbles that has four legs.  Atyň dört aýagy bar, olam büdreýär.
8 A steed /horse is brave man’s wing. Är ganaty – at.
9 Breed your steed as your best friend. Ata dost ýaly seret.
10 Early morning first visit your ancestor, then visit your steed. Ertir tur ataňy gör, ataňdan soň – atyňy.
11 Getting lost, a horse will return to its stable. At aýlanyp gazygyny tapar.
12 He who doesn’t value his horse, doesn’t appreciate his father as well.  Atyny harlan, atasyny harlar.
13 He who has a horse has  wings, he who has a son – fortune. Aty baryň ganaty bar, ogly baryň­döwleti.
14 He who rides a horse flies in the air. At üsti hyýally. –
15 If you have two living creatures, one must be a horse. Malyň iki bolsa, biri at bolsun.
16 In the field where a horse rolls on its back shall be a wedding party (feast). At agynan ýerinde toý bolar.
17 One shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Sowgat berlen atyň dişine seredilmez.
18 The man who does not love a horse cannot love a woman.  Bedew aty söýmeýän adam, gözele aşyk bolup bilmez.
19 The owner of a horse knows his horse’s habit best. At gylygyna eýesi ýetik.


10. Ýagşylyk-ýamanlyk hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1 A bad one breaks his board. Her kim öz pälinden tapar.
2 A bone thrown at a dog is more of a worthy act than kindness to the wicked. Edilen ýagşylygy bilmeýän näkesden itiň öňüne taşlanan süňk ýagşy.
3 A dog in the manger. Ne sakgala minnet, ne-de murta hyzmat.
4 A dog is wiser than a woman; it does not bark at its master. A dog never forgets his master. It aýaldan akyllyrak, ol eýesine üýürmeýär.
5 A dog that intends to bite does not bear its teeth. Dişlejek bolýan it dişini syrtardýan däldir.
6 A fair face may hide a foul heart (soul). Ýylanyňam daşy ýylmanak bolsa-da, zäheri awy. Ýüpek donuň içinde ýagşy-ýaman tanatmaz.
7 A fair face may hide a foul heart. Ýüpek donuň içinde ýagşy-ýaman tanatmaz.
8 A forced kindness deserves no thanks. Zoraýakdan edilen ýagşylykdan  minnetdalyga garaşma.
9 A good deed dies when it is spoken about. Ýagşylyk et-de, derýa at, balyk bilmese, Halyk biler.
10 A good deed is a shield from evil action. Ýagşylyk adamy şeýtanyöň pälinden gaýtarar
11 A good deed is never lost. Ýagşylyk unudylmaz. (Ýagşylyk ýerde ýatmaz).
12 A good deed is something one returns.  Ýagşylyk birinde gaýtarylmasa, birinde gaýtarylar.
13 A good deed saves a person from bad action. Ýagşylyk – ýamanlykdan goranmagyň galkany.
14 A good deed will make a good neighbour. Ýagşy ýigidiň dosty köp.  
15 A good face is a letter of recommendation. Oňat gylyk adamyň ýüzi. (Adamyň ýüzi onuň ýüreginiň aýnasy).
16 A good heart is better than all the heads in the world Ýagşylyk, mähermilik  dünýädäki ähli gowluklary bilelikde alanyňdan-da oňatdyr.
17 A good hearts worth gold. Ynsanperwerlik ähli zatdan belentdir.
18 A person’s evil intention is more dangerous than a snake’s poison. Goltukdaky ýylan kelte kesewi ýalydyr.
19 Appearances are deceptive. Daşy jäjek, içi – möjek. Daşy ýylmanak, içi – çüýrük.
20 Better be envied than pitied. Nebisleri agyrandan, goý, görübilmezçilik etsinler.
21 Only just an orphan’s life is returning to normal, it goes to pieces. Ýetim oglanyň agzy aşa ýetende, burny ganar.


11. Päk ahlaklylyk hakynda iňlis nakyllary


1 A camel does not see its own hump but sees that of its friend. Düýe öz örküjini görmän, beýleki düýäniň örküjini görýär.
2 A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Aç başym, dynç gulagym. Garyplyk – pyssy-pujurlyk etmekden ýegdir.
3 A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Garyplyk – pyssy-pujurlyk etmekden ýegdir. Aç başym, dynç gulagym.
4 A clean hand wants no washing. Hasaby päk bolanyň ýüzi ak bolar.
5 A clear conscience is a soft pillow. Ynsaplynyň wyždany päk.
6 A clear conscience laughs at false accusations. Arassa ynsap töhmetden gorkmaz. Wyždany päk ynsap odundan (ezýedinden) gorkmaz.
7 A good conscience is a constant feast. Ak göwünliň aty armaz, dony tozmaz. Päk wyždan – ömürlik abraý.
8 He, who doesn’t keep his promise, he has no iman (belief).  Ygrary bolmadygyň, imany bolmaz. –
9 Kind hearts are more than coronets.  Hoşgylyklylyk jemgyýetdäki eýeleýän wezipäňden ýokary sylanylýar.
10 Save a fortune, but make it halal (honesty). Az ýygsaň-da, halal ýyg.
11 Virtue is its own reward. Päk ahlaklylyk jemgyýetdäki eýeleýän wezipäňden ýokary sylanylýar.


12. Edep-terbiýe, dogruçyllyk garyndaşlyk hakynda Iňlis nakyllary



1 A bad excuse is better than none. Hiç wagt ötünç soramandan, giç soran ýagşy. Hiçden giç ýagşy.
2 A believable lie is better than a stupid fact. Emma jaý ýerinde  ýalan ýagşydyr.
A bully is always a coward. Dawa-jenjelçi hemişe gorkakdyr.
3 A civil denial is better than a rude grant. Ikigöwünli  ylalaşalyndan, “bolýar” diýenden, sypaýyçy-lykly “ýok” diýen ýagşy.
4 A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. Haram ýal iýenden, halal nan iýen ýagşydyr.
5 A constant guest is never welcome.


Bir ýere köp barsaň, gadyryň  az bolar.
6 A cur’s death for a cur. Ölşüňe görä gömşüm.
7 A curst cow has short horns. Dek gezen, dok gezer.
8 A dog returns to where he has been fed.  It ýal iýen ýerine dolanyp gelýär.
9 A dose (taste) of one’s own medicine. Ýakma – bişersiň, gazma – düşersiň.
10 A fault confessed is half redressed. Zeleliň ýaryndan gaýtmak peýda.
11 A good lie finds more believers than a bad truth. Adamlaryň köpüsi hakykata ynandan, ýylmanak ýalana, howaýy toslamalara ynananlaryny kem görmeýärler.
12 A truly great man never puts away the simplicity of a child. Edebiň ýagşysy uluny uly, kiçini kiçi ýerinde sylamakdyr.
13 A tutor is better than two books. Halypa mugallym ýüz kitapdan gymmatly. Edip berenden, edep beren.
14 A well-educated person is useful for the nation. Edepli ile ýarar.
15 Age is honorable and youth is noble.  Ýaşululara  – hormatlylyk, ýaşlara işdedelyk ýasgşy.
16 Fear hath a hundred eyes; fear takes molehills for mountains. Gorkana goşa görner.
17 Politeness is the ritual of society, as prayers are of the church.  Edeplilik, edil metjitde okalýan namaz ýaly (hökmany),  jemgyýetde özüňi alyp barmagyň aýrylmaz bölegidir.
18 Soul  of a person is (delicate), fragile, if offended, you can’t mend it.  Göwün bir çüýşe, synsa ýamap bolmaz.


13. Dostluk, ýoldaş, duşmançylyk hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1 A broken friendship may be soldered, but will never be sound. Bozulan dostluk dikeldilip bilner, emma synan göwün seýik tutmaz.
2 A cracked bell can never sound well. Synan göwün seýik tutmaz.
3 A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. Puluň bolandan, köşkde täsirli dostuň bolsun.
4 A friend is a gift you give yourself.     Dostuň dost bolsun.
5 A friend is known in real advice given to you. Çyn dost geňeşde belli.
6 A friend is never known till a man have  need. Dost başyňa iş düşende tanalar.
7 A friend should bear his friend’s infirmities. Dost atan daşy baş ýarmaz.
8 A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. Dosty köpüň dosty ýokdur.
9 A friend’s frown is better than a foe’s smile. Dost başa gözlär, duşman aýaga. (Duşmanyň süýji sözünden, dostuň ajy sözi).                                                 
10 A good lie finds more believers than a bad truth. Dogry sözlüň dosty ýok.
11 A hedge between keeps friendship green. Dost dost bolsun, hasaby dürs.  Hasaply dost uzaga gider.
12 A man is known by the company he keeps. Ýigidi dostundan tana
13 An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue.  Dostuň ýüzüňe [aýdar], duşmanyň yzyňa [bakar].
14 Best friend never seeks benefit in you. Çyn dost bähbit gözlemez.
15 Better an open enemy than a false friend. Galp dostdan, mert galtaman ýagşy. Ýalan dostdan açyk duşman ýagşy.
16 Better lose a jest than a friend. Dost arasyny söz bozar.
17 Between friends  all is common.                 Dostlaryň arasynda aýry zat bolmaz.
18 Friend in need friend indeed. Agyr günde dost gerek.
1 He, who  doesn’t  keep his promise, he has no iman (belief).  Ygrary bolmadygyň, imany bolmaz.
20 If your friend is useless, it’s better to make friends with a devil. Peýdasyz perişdeden aşna döw ýagşy.
21 Nothing airs a house so well as a warm friend. Ýürekdeş, mährem dost ýaly ygtybarly zat ýok.
22 The best thing is offered to your friend. Çaýyň soňy – dostuňa.
23 The road to a friend’s house is never long.   Dostuň öýüne barýan ýol hemişe ýakyndyr.


14. Ylym-bilim, adam saglygy hakynda Iňlis nakyllary


1 A blind man would be glad to see. Görer gözüň gymmaty kör ýanynda bellidir.
2 A crazy person is disciplined beated by a stick.  Dälini taýak ýola getir
3 A hungry one dreams about cake. Aç towuk düýşünde dary görer.
4 A knowledgeable man is strong.   Bilimi zor müňüni ýykar.
5 A person will not die from a guilt and there is no man without a guilt. Bir ýazykdan är ölmez, hiç ýazyksyz är bolmaz. –
6 A sound mind in a sound body. Sagdyn bedende, sagdyn ruh
7 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Günde bir alma iýýäniň jany sagatdyr.
8 Better be born lucky than rich.                     Baý dolandan bagtly doglan eg (ýagşy).
9 Better they talk about you than forget.                                                    Aýakda bolandan, agyzda bol.
10 Don’t say: “I’ve read. Say: I’ve learned. Okadym diýme, bildim diý.
11 Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in these three good health abound. Iýeňde – oňat iý, içeňde – çeniňi bile, ýataňda berk ukla, – ine sagdynlygyň üç sütüni.
12 Education has for its object the formation of character.  Bilimiň  maksady – adamlarda ahlak-edepliligi terbiýelemekdir.
13 Even a golden cage is a prison for a nightingale. Bilbile altyn ketek­de zyndandyr.
14 Every sickness begins in the stomach.   Her keseliň başy bokurdakdan başlanýar.
15 For him who gives one it seems a lot, he who gets it seems little. Berene bäş köp, alana alty az.
16 Forty badgers can’t catch up a lame Persian gazelle. Agsak keýik müň torsuga ýetdirmez.
17 Good health is high above of wealth. Jan saglyk baýlykdan, mal-mülkden ýeg.
18 He who conceals his guilty will never be forgiven. Aýbyny ýaşyran aýňalmaz.
19 He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. Goňşyň kör bolsa, gözüň gyparak.
20 I am hungry, but have no any problems. Aç, ýöne dynç.
21 If you are lost – be lost with a crowd. Depä çyk-da seret, haýsy tarap köp bolsa, sen em şoňa.
22 If you can solve the problem, don’t make it complicated. Barmak bilen çözüljek düwüne agyz urma.
23 It’s  never late to study. Bilim almaga wagtyň çägi bolmaz.
24 Know you less information, safer you sleep. Ak düýäni gördüňmi? Göremok, şondan gowusy ýok.
25 Knowledge and wisdom –are worthy than gold. Bilim bilen hikmet altyndan gymmat.
26 Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. – Bilime harçlanan pul hergiz özüni ödär.
27 Moonlight will shine to poor people too. Aý şuglasy garybyň öýüne­de düşer.
28 Neither praise nor slander whom you see for the first time. Bir göreniňi öwme­de, syndyrma­da.
29 One is never too old to learn. Okuwa garrama ýok.
30 One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine. Adamlara derman içmezligi (sagdyn durmuş obrazyny) öwretmek – lukmanlaryň iň wajyp wezipeleriniň biridir.
31 One swallow does not make a summer. Bir gülden bahar bolmaz.
32 Rudimentary knowledge makes much problem.  Sowady azyň müşgüli köp.
33 Science is half of wisdom. Ylym – akylyň ýarysy.
34 Some books are to be tasted, . others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. – Käbir kitaplar dadyp görmek üçin, beýlekilerini ýudýarlar, diňe ujypsyzjasyny çeýneýärler we siňdirýärler.
35 The lot fell to you – its your fortune, take it as a reality Bijeli oglan aglamaz.
36 There is no a bright day without a dark night. Batar günüň atar daňy bar.
37 To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. Sowatsyz-bilimsizligiňe göz ýetirmek – bilime tarap ädilýän aýgytly ädimidir.
38 To drink the waters. Şypahanada saglygyňy dikeltmek.
39 Well-educated and professional people are held in high respect. Bir okana bar, bir-de—dokana. –
40 When a deficit thing is cheap, and plentiful thing is expensive.  Bar ýerinde bal arzan, ýok ýerinde duz gymmat.
41 You can’t kill two birds with one stone. Bir okda iki towşan urdurmaz
42 Your breakfast eat yourself, your dinner share with your friend, and your supper give to your enemy.   Ertirligiňi özüň iý, günortanlygyňy dostuň bilen iý, agşamlygyňy duşmanyňa ber.


Ykbal, takdyr barada


1 An old man thinks not his age’s enough. Adam aşdan doýsa-da, ýaşdan doýmaz.


2 He who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. Ýoldaşyň kör bolsa, gözüň gyparak.
3 No one dies before his time. Ajal ýetmän,ölüm gelmez.
4 Once a wolf always a wolf. Gurt çagasyndan ekdi bolmaz –
5 The wolves are sated and the sheep intact. Ne çiş kýsün, ne kebap.
6 To get out of the frying-pan into the fire. Damjadan gaçyp, ýagyşa uçramak.
7 You can’t escape your fate. Ýazylandan gacyp bolmaz.
8 You only die once. Bir başa bir ölüm, ondanam sypyp bolmaz.


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