Halkara guramalaryndan iş orunlary

Türkmenistanda hereket edýän halkara guramalary täze iş orunlary boýunça bildirişler çap etdiler we iş mümkinçiligini hödürleýär. Şol bildirişlere laýykykda, Migrasiýa boýunça halkara guramasy taslama boýunça kömekçi, ÝUNISEF edarasy maslahatçy hem-de Ýewropada Howpsuzlyk we Hyzmatdaşlyk Guramasynyň Aşgabatdaky merkezi bolsa Milli satyn alyş işgäri we Adam serişdeleri boýunça kömekçi wezipeleri babatda iş orunlaryny yglan edýär.

Şol iş orunlary boýunça iňlis dilinde çap edilen bildirişler şeýle:

  • The IOM in Turkmenistan is looking for a Project Assistant.  The detailed TOR-learning objectives for the position can be found at the UN website at the following link  https://turkmenistan.un.org/ in the Jobs section and in the attachment to this message.Interested candidates for the internship must submit Personal History Form and resume in a sealed envelope stating the code “IOM-ASB- 2022-01”. Applicants are also encourage to apply via e-mail their applications at registry.tm@undp.org by COB 23 February 2022, 18:00.

 UNICEF Country Office advertised an Individual National Consultancy for the establishment of coordination and collaboration between referral bodies and social workers. The TOR (TOR for NC on CP Services Finall 11Feb for adv.pdf) is attached for your easy reference. Interested candidates need to submit an e-mail with the subject title “Individual National Consultancy for the establishment of coordination and collaboration between referral bodies and social workers ” to recruitmenttkm@unicef.org by COB 25 February 2022.

The technical proposal should include

    • A cover letter, including
    • Assessment of suitability vis-à-vis the requirements of this TOR.
    • A summary of experience in similar assignments.
    • Links to/attachments of examples of similar work.
    • CV of the candidate and P11 form (attached)
    • Contacts of 3 References

Financial Proposal: Candidates need to submit a financial proposal as a separate attachment to complete the entire assignment based on the terms of reference.


Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti:elektron söwda we harytlary eltip bermegi ýola goýmaly



Ýene-de okaň

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Ata Watan Eserleri

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Lebap welaýatynda boş iş orunlary hödürlenýär

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Ata Watan Eserleri

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