A meeting with the delegation of <>

On February 26, 2019, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan there was a meeting with the delegation of the German «Deutsche Bank AG», headed by the Chief Executive Officer for Corporate Banking Investments of Middle and Southern Europe – Banking Business Services, Head of Regional Directors Iorg Bongartts, who has arrived to Ashgabat on a working visit.

During the meeting, the sides discussed a series of issues, related to bilateral cooperation. The parties noted the productive nature of the interaction established between Turkmenistan and the largest German companies, noting that today these traditional business contacts reached a qualitatively new level, successfully developing in a wide range of directions.

Also, the meeting participants discussed a number of concrete steps to diversify the partnership. As noted, the real prospects for this are in the oil and gas and chemical industries, in the areas of electric power, industry and transport.

At the end of the meeting, the sides expressed the hope for further successful development of bilateral cooperation on a mutually beneficial basis and expressed their commitment to further consolidation of efforts.

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