Turkmenistan became one of the first countries to register the “Sputnik Light” vaccine

As previously reported, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan registered the “Sputnik Light” vaccine and issued a corresponding certificate for its use.

Thus, Turkmenistan became one of the first countries to approve the use of Russian vaccines “Sputnik V”, “EpiVacCorona” and “Sputnik Light” on its territory.

Vaccination with these preparations will allow the population to develop immunity more quickly. According to the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), “Sputnik Light’s” effectiveness rate of about 80% exceeds that of other vaccines requiring the use of two components.

To date, Turkmenistan has separately purchased over 600,000 doses of the two-component vaccine “Sputnik V”. Also, step-by-step work on further procurement of this line of preparations is continuing.

As is known, the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan actively cooperates with the leading centers of virology of the Russian Federation. The registration of “Sputnik Light” in Turkmenistan is the result of close partnership of the two countries in the fight against the spread of infectious diseases.


Turkmenistan has registered the Russian vaccine “Sputnik Light”

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