The new President of the ALSA at UC Davis Law School has been elected

Dr. Döwran Orazgylyjov has been elected as the new President of the ALSA (Advanced Legal Scholars Association) at the University of California, Davis School of Law.

Dr. Orazgylyjov is currently pursuing a master’s degree at the university and was elected to lead the organization during elections held on April 19, 2024. Prior to the elections, candidates presented their plans and projects for the new term to voters. Dr. Orazgylyjov received the most votes and will lead ALSA as its President for the next term.

In accordance with the ALSA Constitution, the newly elected President must form his administration. The leadership team for ALSA during the next term is as follows:

Dr. Döwran Orazgylyjov – Elected President
Ruthlynn Ochengo – Vice President
Elay Sultanahmadi – Secretary General

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