The benefit of learning foreign languages

On Earth, there are many languages. Different peoples and citizens of various countries speak numerous languages. Thus, we need to learn foreign languages to understand each other and find a mutual language with foreigners.

It is impossible to imagine traveling without speaking with citizens of other countries. As a result, to feel comfortable abroad, one needs to know how to say at least basic expressions.

One more reason is the ability to open your horizon, read news from original resources, and be aware of the current events in the world. For all these reasons, everyone should spend time on learning foreign languages.

Every person starts learning a foreign language at school. Since the first classes, teachers start explaining some basics to pupils. Usually, primary school pupils study the names of animals, family and its members, weather, etc. Step by step, starting from simple topics and words, students get accustomed to a foreign speech. This way, they start comprehending another language.

Nowadays, English is the most popular and widely studied language.  Now English is recognized as the most spoken language in the world. Still, many pupils in Turkmenistan study Russian,  French and German  and other languages at schools. Those, who decide to choose foreign languages as their future profession, enter linguistic universities and can study other languages there.

Fortunately, modern technologies offer a wide range of opportunities to study a language. The Internet opens a lot of chances to improve the level of language proficiency. Students can watch movies in original, chat with foreigners in international dating chat, attend online classes, etc.

To conclude, let’s say that modern students have many chances to learn a foreign language.  In addition, learning foreign languages improves our skills and stimulates brain activity.


                                      Bahargul Begnazarova,

Senior teacher of the Turkmen Agricultural

University named after S.A.Nyyazov.


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