The achievements of Turkmenistan in the independency years in the international relations

Independence Day is our national holiday, which inspires us to

reach new heights in the name of a prosperous and happy life.

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

 Turkmenistan is a country in Central Asia, bordered by Kazakhstan to the northwest, Uzbekistan to the north and east, Afghanistan to the southeast, Iran to the south and southwest, and the Caspian Sea to the west. For the first time in its new history, Turkmenistan was declared as an Independent State on October 27, 1991 by the means of sovereignty. The emergence of an independent state in the ancient Turkmen country was a great event in the history of which is written in golden letters. This event has become a memorable moment for all the people of Turkmenistan. Thus, the Turkmen people gained their independence and created their own national state. This has created the political foundations for the state to adhere to the basic principles of the nation, to human dignity, to pursue a humane foreign and domestic policy.

Our Motherland Turkmenistan has stepped towards the 30th anniversary of its independency. During the independency years, Turkmenistan has reached remarkable achievements in the branches and sectors of economy, agriculture, medicine, science, education, and as well as international relations. The innovative programs have been accomplished to develop our country comprehensively and large-scale transformations have been carried out successively.

On 2nd March 1992, the biggest event happened in the history of Turkmenistan. That day our Independent country became direct member of the United Nations. As a result, Turkmenistan became a member of the United Nations as an independent state subject to international law.             As it is known, United Nations is an association of many countries that aims to help economic and social conditions improve or to solve political problems in the world in a peaceful way. Since then Turkmenistan takes active part in keeping stability with this international organization.

In the initial years of independence, the Turkmen state made great efforts to find its own unique place in the world community. After gaining independence, our country has proclaimed “Open Doors Policy” in its indoor and outdoor policy. Within the framework of “Open Doors” policy, large –scale projects have been carried out to promote the prestige of our county in the international arena. On the strength of national traditions and geopolitical specifics of Turkmenistan, the question of acquiring status of permanent neutrality arose in that time as objective and essential necessity.

Within that framework, the idea about the neutral state for Turkmenistan emerged in the first years of independence. Neutrality   is a historical choice of the people of Turkmenistan and the will of the people is its guarantee. “On December 12, 1995, the UN General Assembly adopted a special Resolution on “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” – an unprecedented document, which provided a unique international and legal status for our country as the first in the world practice”(Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, “Turkmenistan is on the way to achieving the sustainable development goals” 2018, p.20).

Confidently entering into the system of modern international relations, our country is in the  of movement  of establishing wide diplomatic relations with the countries of the  world and actively developing constructive cooperation with the UN, the European Union, Organization  of Islamic Cooperation and other major international organizations.  Meanwhile, peace- loving foreign policy led by our national leader has been sincerely applaud by world community. Turkmenistan as a member of this reputable organization of the world, has established the regular relations with all structures of UN.

Turkmen delegations constantly attend to high- level sessions annually held by UN General Assembly. The organization of international forums and conferences in Ashgabat, where the main issues of both global and regional importance are discussed, is a proof of our country’s potential. Participation of our esteemed president in the high- level sessions held by general Assembly of the UN gave an extensive impulse for the new levels in terms of quality of relations between Turkmenistan and this reputable organization. Having attended the 70th anniversary, the historical speech from the high tribune and international initiatives aimed at universal peace made and put forward by our National Leader has created a great resonance in the world community.

Moreover, such international initiatives have contributed in the expanding of international reputation of Turkmenistan. In the future, it is certain that mutual relations will be continued with this organization and strengthening of partnership in such branches as universal peace and stable development. In order to keep close relations with the UN, it is important that several committees and organizations are operating in our country. The UN is now maintaining wider range of activities. Currently Turkmenistan participates in the various organizations of the UN such as UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO, UNPF, WHO and some others. The Declaration of neutrality of Turkmenistan by the UN has been an important factor to stabilize conditions in the region, to coordinate the interests and peace talks among states. It is important to mention that the chief part of the foreign affairs of Turkmenistan is connected with UN.

As our esteemed President has emphasized at a meeting with the deputies of the Turkmen Parliament: “In order to develop and popularize the culture of our country, contacts with international organizations are being systematically expanded Cooperation with UNESCO is one of the priorities of the state strategy in the international arena” (Speech delivered by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the deputies of the Turkmen Parliament, Ashgabat, February 25, 2021).

Turkmenistan, as a developing country, is doing a lot to improve the quality of education to achieve the level of world standards. From this point of view, the UNESCO Chair, implementing the project “Methods of Environmental Education of Youth and Improvement of Their Environmental Culture”, will create favourable conditions for improving the quality of environmental education and environmental culture in the Turkmen society.

Taking into account the role of education, science, culture and communication in the context of further globalization and, in consultation with the scientific team, Seyitnazar Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute considers it expedient to implement a national project on the basis of the UNITWIN / UNESCO chair on the topic: “The role of education, science, culture and communication in the formation of ecological culture in the Turkmen society”.

The creation of UNESCO Chair on the basis of Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute contributes to the accessibility of UNESCO information to the general public and to the achievement of the world level of ecological culture of youth.

The UNESCO Chair, which will be opened at the Seyitnazar Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute in order to implement the UN Sustainable Development Program, based on the UNITWIN / UNESCO program and the Educational Standards of Turkmenistan, will develop a new program of disciplines in ecology

Turkmenistan highly evaluates the cooperation with the UN in terms of maintaining peace and security. When observing the address of our esteemed President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow, we can see that his main attention falls upon the issues of modern humankind.

Election of Turkmenistan as the chairman of the 62nd and 64th sessions of the UN and establishment of the Peace-making Center of the UN for Central Asia, on December 10, 2007 active participation of our country in the positive resolution of regional issues are clear evidence that the foreign policy of Turkmen leader is beneficial to all humankind.

During his historic address in the 65th session of the General Assembly of the UN On September 20, 2010, our esteemed President widely mentioned about the importance of the hormonal, close relationships of Turkmenistan with other states and international organizations, the place of the UN in current international relations.

Furthermore, National Leader has underlined the importance of consolidating security in the modern world, energy security, to restore the natural resources of Caspian Sea and to save Aral, to make use of the water resources the suggestions put forward to gain the general security of Turkmenistan.

The suggestions, which concern maintaining stable development, security and peace in the world revealing the main strategy of foreign policy of Turkmenistan, were put forward by the esteemed president of Turkmenistan in the honored podium of the UN and received great deal of approval by the states of the world and other international organizations.

Election of our esteemed leader to the chair of this supreme organization twice in the short recent period makes all the citizens of our country happy and proud. It has been clear evidence that our country’s international reputation rose high when our esteemed president attended and chaired the 64th session of the UN.

As our Honorable Arkadag has emphasized that September 27, the historic date of the establishment of our independent state, we will celebrate the new glorious successes and victories that will increase our achievements, which testify to the country’s confident progress on the path of peace, creation and progress. (Speech delivered by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at a meeting with the deputies of the Turkmen Parliament, Ashgabat, February 25, 2021).

Our country is going forward with the speed of stallion under the leadership of our honorable president. Nowadays, Turkmenistan decisively takes position among the developed countries of the world.

It has been approaching big and political event to the 30th anniversary of Turkmen independence, which is going to be celebrated with great enthusiasm of Turkmen people.

We are very grateful to our esteemed President for the creation of opportunities to develop and achieve success in the every aspects of life for the Turkmen nation. We wish our esteemed President long life, sound health and great achievements in his endeavors.

 Hudayberenova Ogulshat

the instructor Turkmen State Pedagogical

Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi

Message on August 30 Victory Day


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