Cooperation between Turkmenistan and EBRD discussedAta Watan Eserleri2020-06-242020-06-26 2020-06-242020-06-26 On June 23, 2020, in the building of the MFA, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R.Meredov met with the Head of the Representative...
GENERALOnline meeting with OECDAta Watan Eserleri2020-04-21 2020-04-21 On April 20, 2020, an online meeting was held in the MFA of Turkmenistan with the delegation headed by the Head of the Eurasia Division...
GENERALTurkmenistan will join UN documentsAta Watan Eserleri2020-04-15 2020-04-15 On the 14th of April 2020, a working meeting was held in the premises of the MFA of Turkmenistan between the representatives of the Ministry...