UN: New Resolution on Aral Sea

On the 28th of May 2019, the 85th plenary meeting of the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly was held in the headquarters of the United Nations with participation of plenipotentiary representatives of the Organizations’ member-states.

During the meeting, the Resolution on “Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea” initiated by Turkmenistan was adopted by consensus.  21 countries joined the co-sponsorship of the Resolution.

Noting that the issue of preserving the Aral Sea has a global significance, Turkmenistan consistently stands for the unification of efforts of the world community in resolving this ecological crisis.  In the framework of its chairmanship in the International Fund of Saving the Aral Sea for 2017-2019, Turkmenistan initiated the development of a Special UN Programme for the Aral Sea basin.

According to the clauses of the adopted Resolution, the necessity of further perfection of the activities of the International Fund of Saving the Aral Sea was noted.  One of the main points of the adopted resolution is the proposal to consider the possibility of designing a Special UN Programme for the Aral Sea basin, as well as holding relevant consultations with the Executive Committee of the International Fund of Saving the Aral Sea, member-states and the United Nations agencies.

In this context, the significance of arranging and effectively implementing the regional programmes on protecting the nature with the aim of attaining sustainable development in Central Asia, including the assistance programmes to the countries of the Aral Sea basin was stressed.

In the framework of the Resolution, it was proposed to the specialized agencies, organizations, programmes and funds of the UN system, as well as to the international financial entities to improve the cooperation with the International Fund of Saving the Aral Sea.


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