Turkmen-American political consultations were held

On the 2nd of May 2019, the successive round of Turkmen-American political consultations was held in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.  The American delegation was headed by Mark Moody, Director of the Central Asian Affairs Office of the US Department of State Bureau for South and Central Asian Affairs. 

During the political consultations, the parties noted the significance of collaboration in the framework of international platforms, including the regional cooperation format “C5+1” aimed at widening of interregional relations with the Central Asian countries.  Also, the issues of political and regional scope were discussed, including the efforts of the countries in regulating the situation in Afghanistan.      

The cooperation mechanisms between Turkmenistan and the USA in the sphere of security, economy and humanitarian collaboration were determined. Also, the participants stressed the vital role of Turkmen-American Business Council.   


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