Visit of the delegation of the Republic of Korea to Turkmenistan

From the 28th of February till the 1st of March 2019, the delegation of the Republic of Korea headed by the Director-General of Global Healthcare of the Ministry of Healthcare and Welfare of the Republic of Korea Ms.Kim Hye-seon was in Turkmenistan on a working visit. 

During the visit, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, where issues of bilateral cooperation between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Korea in the area of healthcare had been discussed. Then the delegation visited the International Scientific-Educational Center of the Ministry of Health Protection and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, as well as the Turkmen State Medical University. 

As is known, in Turkmenistan great attention is paid to the development of healthcare system and attracting of international experience in this field.  The use of newest technologies and acquaintance with the achievements of world practices as well as training of highly qualified specialists for this field is an integral part of the government policy of Turkmenistan.    

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