The implementation of distance learning

On the 9th of December the special skype lesson was held in the International University for the Humanities and Development in order to reach students awareness on research methods and approaches. The organizer of the distance learning was the head of Education Management Dr. Gulshirin Orazova and with the support of prominent professor of Northern Illinois University of the United States of America James Cohen. Important participants of the lecture were the vise-rector, academic stuff, instructors, students from master degree and bachelor of IUHD. The lecture were about the action research on a topic “What makes a teacher, good teacher?” which was beneficial for young instructors of the university, in increasing teaching different methods and student-centered approaches. Using this opportunity, the participants could ask different interested questions related to their subjects. Although it was distance-learning, the lecture was interactive and two-way engaging for the both sides. All of them, lecturer and audience were pleased with this distance learning and looking forward to the next lecture.

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