Successive Meeting Of The Turkmen-German Joint Working Group

On January 23, 2020, the ninth meeting of the Turkmen-German Joint Working Group took place in Ashgabat.

The Turkmen delegation was headed by the Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations of Turkmenistan, while the German delegation was led by the Deputy Head of the External Policy Department of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany.

During the negotiations, the issues of bilateral cooperation pertaining to various sectors of economy were discussed. The parties appraised the level of cooperation between the business circles of Turkmenistan and Germany, as well as gave proposals for further development of the investment climate in both countries.

The participants of the meeting viewed the current and prospective projects in the sphere of gas-and-oil producing industry, finances and healthcare.  Also, the possibilities of organizing the programmes on advanced training for the specialists working in different areas of economy of Turkmenistan were considered.

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