Presentation of the First Caspian Economic Forum

On the 28th of February 2019, a round table dedicated to trade-economic relations between Turkmenistan and France, as well as the presentation of the First Caspian Economic Forum was held in Paris.

The round table and presentation were jointly organized by the Embassy of Turkmenistan and “Turkmenistan-France” Chamber of Commerce. The Deputy Minister of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, representatives of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of France, as well as the heads and representatives of French companies and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry “MEDEF International” participated to the round table and presentation.   

During the round table, participants discussed a wide range of issues concerning bilateral trade-economic relations, as well as perspective ways of their development.

All representatives of French companies presenting speeches at the event expressed their gratitude to the Esteemed President of Turkmenistan for creating favorable conditions to carry out business in Turkmenistan, and expressed their readiness to participate in future large projects in Turkmenistan.

In addition, the Conception of the First Caspian Economic Forum was presented during the round table. Taking an opportunity, representatives of Turkmen side invited representatives of business circles of France to actively participate in the Forum.

At the end of the round table, a video dedicated to the First Caspian Economic Forum was demonstrated to the participants.

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