Election of Turkmenistan to the structures of the ECOSOС

On the 7th of May 2019, during the work of Organizational session of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Turkmenistan was elected to its three important bodies: Executive Council of the World Food Programme for the period of 2020-2022, Commission on Population and Development for the period of 2020-2024 and Commission on Narcotic Drugs for the period of 2020-2023.   

The election of our country to these structures became one more proof of growing reputation of Turkmenistan in the world, recognition of its major role in the resolution of most contemporary issues of present day global development.    

A significant vector of international activity of Turkmenistan is the provision of food safety and nutritional development on the national, regional and world-wide levels.  In this regard, our country proposed an initiative to gather the High-Level Food Forum under the auspices of the UN.  The meaning of the proposed initiative is based on the notion that such Forum will give effective impulse to the international partnership in the area of global nutrition and thus will assist attaining concrete future resolutions on the UN level in this direction. 

As to the contribution of Turkmenistan in the resolution of population related issues, it is worthwhile to note the implementation in the country of various important programs in the area of reproductive health, countrywide and regional projects aimed at provision of most convenient conditions for applying the demographic policy, protection of mother and child.   

Turkmenistan will continue uncompromised struggle against the narcotics.  Practical actions are realized in our country aimed at combatting illegal drug trafficking and in this regard national programs are successfully implemented.  The membership of Turkmenistan in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs opens new perspectives for cooperation for efficient response to this global challenge.       

The election of Turkmenistan to these three important bodies of the United Nations Economic and Social Council serves as a vivid proof of rightness  and rationality of the course selected by our country aimed at wide international cooperation in the resolution of actual problems of modern world, suitability of our policy with the security protection, progress and sustainable development.     


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