A meeting with High Commisioner of the OSCE on National Minorities

On November 21, 2018, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan there was a meeting with the delegation headed by

 Mr. Lamberto Zannier, High Commisioner on National Minorities (HCNM) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

During the meeting, the Turkmen side has noted the efficiency of long-term cooperation between Turkmenistan and HCNM and expressed readiness to develop that in future. There was an exchange of views on the issues of national minorities and the state of inter-ethnic relations in Turkmenistan.

Then, the both sides discussed the questions, related to cooperation within the implementation of Human Rights Action Plans and Programs. In particular, they reviewed the questions, related to an aspect of the inter-ethnic relations.

Besides, the sides discussed the questions of cooperation within the framework of the implementation by Turkmen side of educational reforms connected with teaching of the national minorities. There was noted the Turkmenistan’s active participation in the HCNM’s regional Education Program.

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