Turkmenistan Visa reception :The list of required documents

Foreigners, the ones who don’t have Turkmen citizenships are allowed to visit and stay in Turkmenistan on the basis of visas given for certain period of time if they aren’t mentioned differently in international contracts of Turkmenistan.

In order to formalize entry and exit visas for foreigners and the ones not owning Turkmen citizenships, along with their legal and physical bodies inviting them to Turkmenistan, we address the State Migration Agency of Turkmenistan:

  • In the territory of Turkmenistan – Through the concerning regional headquarters of State Migration Agency of Turkmenistan;
  • Out of the territory of Turkmenistan – through the diplomatic delegations and consular offices of Turkmenistan in foreign countries.

We consider the appeals for getting visas and additional documentations during the 10 days of usual order and 3 days of urgent order starting from the moment when those documentations are brought to the offices of State Migration Agencies of Turkmenistan.

Invitations for issuing visas are given with 3 months term by State migration Agency of Turkmenistan.

It is important to hand in the stated application forms and additional documentations to the offices of State Migration Agency of Turkmenistan before the finish of active visas in order to extend ordinary visas, but two months before the end of visas on an employment basis.

Accepted decisions of the Board Team on extending the visas must be carried out during the 45 days.

A foreigner has to leave the country as soon as his visa expires and when his appeal for prolonging his visa isn’t satisfied, his visa is cancelled or his stay in the country is shortened, and for some other bases which end his stay in Turkmenistan.

When a foreign citizen has an active or unused visa in his passport or other identification which substitutes his passport, a new visa sticker is formalized just after the abolition of visa with special stamp in a conditional order.

He is obliged to do the followings when a foreign citizen loses his passport with visa sticker during his stay in Turkmenistan:
– to inform offices of Internal Affairs and Migration Agency of Turkmenistan about the loss of his passport or substitutional document;
– to get a confirmation from the offices of Internal Affairs about the loss;
– To address the diplomatic representative office and consular office or the ministry of External Affairs of his home country or the country in which he holds a residential, in Turkmenistan or in third country with a request to be given a passport or substitutional document to formalize his Turkmen visa in a conditional order.

Types of visas.

Business visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. list of the foreign citizens, in 3 copies;
  3. Letter of request given by the ministry or the head of the company with whom foreigners negotiate a contract, or the affirmative documentation of the cooperation with the Cabinet Ministry of Turkmenistan on the work possibilities of foreigners are added to the conditional application form for a visa when foreign citizens are invited to Turkmenistan to conduct the tasks displayed in the contracts with the Ministries and regional companies of Turkmenistan;
  4. Information about the company’s main task, along with the suitability of inviting those foreigners to the country, in 1 copy;
  5. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  6. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;
  7. Copies of reference documentations by the office which receives those foreigners in Turkmenistan in accordance with the regulations of Law of Turkmenistan, documentation (authorization) which allows them to carry out before set tasks and negotiated contracts are required (when the company makes inquiries for the first time, terms of creation documentations finish or there are some changes entered to those documentations.);
  8. Letter of attorney given to the sovereign representative for visa affairs selected by the authoritative person of the company is required (when the company makes inquiries for the first time, terms of the letter of attorney finish or there are some changes entered to those documentations).

Work visa and permit:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. list of the foreign citizens, in 3 copies;
  3. Letter of request given by the ministry or the head of the company with whom foreigners negotiate a contract, or the affirmative documentation of the cooperation with the Cabinet Ministry of Turkmenistan on the work possibilities of foreigners are added to the conditional application form for a visa when foreign citizens are invited to Turkmenistan to conduct the tasks displayed in the contracts with the Ministries and regional companies of Turkmenistan.
  4. Information about the company’s main task, along with the suitability of inviting those foreigners to the country, in 1 copy;
  5. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigners, in 1 copy;
  6. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;
  7. Health certificate given by the authoritative offices of Turkmenistan which proves that the person is lack of immune deficiency diseases (infection of IDD (Immune Deficiency Disease));
  8. Copy of labour agreement between the foreigner and the employer (documentation of the employee’s work position is required on certain conditions);
  9. conditional commitment, in 1 copy;
  10. Copy and the translation of the document which approves the qualification of foreigner with the seal of employer, in 1 copy;
  11. Copy of work allowance (original copy of the letter of allowance is required to change the employers), in 1 copy;
  12. letter of compromise from previous employer in order to transfer the employee to another employer (work allowance is required when the employee is transferred from one employer to another) in 1 copy;
  13. Copies of reference documentations by the office which receives those foreigners in Turkmenistan in accordance with the regulations of Law of Turkmenistan, documentation (authorization) which allows them to carry out before set tasks and negotiated contracts are required (when the company makes inquiries for the first time, terms of creation documentations finish or there are some changes entered to those documentations.);
  14. List of the names of both, Turkmen and foreign employees working in an enterprise and the aforesaid information about the percentage of them (in a form approved by an authoritative person with his signature and seal); (information in the forms of A, B or C is required when the company makes inquiries for the first time and the percentage rate changes), in 1 copy;
  15. Letter of attorney given to the sovereign representative for visa affairs selected by the authoritative person of the company is required (when the company makes inquiries for the first time, terms of the letter of attorney finish or there are some changes entered to those documentations).

Personal visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the applicant, in 1 copy;
  3. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  4. document approving affinity.

Student visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. Written letter of request given by Educational offices of Turkmenistan;
  3. List of the foreign citizens, in 3 copies;
  4. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  5. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;

Tourist visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. travel programme, in 1 copy;
  3. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  4. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;
  5. copy of the letter of permission given to the applicant to conduct a travel (required when inviting side makes an inquiry for the first time and the term of permission ends);

Transit visa:

  1. conditional application form of the foreigner or written letter of request by applicant side, in 3 copies
  2. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  3. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;
  4. Copy of the document allowing to enter the third foreign country (visa or other documentations).

Health visa:

  1. conditional application form of the foreigner or written letter of request by applicant side, in 3 copies;
  2. Copies of the documents given by the Health defense offices of Turkmenistan and proving the importance of return of those people to Turkmenistan, in 1 copy;
  3. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  4. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;

Driver’s visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 3 copies;
  2. List of the foreign citizens, in 3 copies;
  3. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy;
  4. 5*6 personal paper with coloured photos, in 1 copy;

Exit visa:

  1. conditional application form, in 2 copies;
  2. List of the foreign citizens, in 2 copies;
  3. Copy of the original passport or the other identification document of the foreigner, in 1 copy.

• Additional documentations may be required if there is a need for that.

Getting a visa. List of required documents


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