Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle

The “Efficiency Challenge Electric Vehicle” is an annual competition for educational institutions organized by The Scientific and technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) SINCE 2005. The competition with the participation of international teams will be held at Istanbul Atatürk Airport within the scope of TEKNOFEST Istanbul Aeronautics, Space and Technology Festival between 16th and 22nd September 2019.

          The Challenge aims to emphasise the environmental sensitivity of students and creating environments that will enable the development of new technological advancements. For that reason, we encourage university students to produce the most efficient electric vehicle. As TÜBITAK, we support participants from all over the world financially (15,000 TRY for international teams) and awards that amount up to 40,000 TRY in various categories will be given to teams. For more information participants can visit the official website:  The Challenge is open to registration for international teams.

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