Press release of MFA of Turkmenistan about Iranian vessel

In recent days, distorted information about allegedly illegal activities of Turkmenistan's border services with respect to the Iranian vessel has spread in the media of Iran and other countries. The Turkmen side states that on March 21, 2018, the border services of Turkmenistan suppressed an attempt to smuggle a large consignment of narcotic drugs by a group of citizens of the Islamic Republic of Iran that violated the state border of Turkmenistan on the motorway boat in Turkmenistan's territorial waters, 3-4 km from the coastline of Turkmenistan.

During the detention, these smugglers, not submitting to the commands of the border patrol, took provocative actions against the Turkmen border guards, regarded as an encroachment on life, as a result of which violent methods of coercion were applied against violators in strict accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Currently, in the case of the incident, the parties, within the framework of the existing border commissar meetings, take appropriate procedural steps.

The Turkmen side, speaking about the above, stresses that any attempts to politicize this issue, from whom they would not proceed, will be regarded as unfriendly towards Turkmenistan and immediately refuted by the Turkmen side.

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