Turkmenistan-WHO: new areas of cooperation

As part of the systematic development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the World Health Organization (WHO), the Government of Turkmenistan, together with the WHO Country Office in Turkmenistan, prepared a List of activities for 2022, carried out on a regular basis, in certain areas of cooperation with the World Health Organization.

This document provides for a set of measures aimed at preventing infectious diseases. These include implementation of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Plan and the Guidelines for Epidemiological Surveillance for Acute Respiratory Infections, training of specialists, development of clinical treatment protocols, trainings and seminars.

Special attention is given to COVID-19 pandemic control measures, in particular infection prevention and infection control, public awareness on risks, as well as development and implementation of the National Plan on Vaccinations against COVID-19. Also included are activities related to implementation of the national strategy on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), tobacco control, maternal and child health, development of a roadmap for the reform of primary health care, etc.

In addition, the List includes steps to develop health diplomacy, establish cooperation with the Central Asian Republics Information Network (CARINFONET), as well as work on the transition and implementation of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) developed by WHO, training staff on ICD-11 classification, COVID-19 certification coding and public health surveillance. In this regard, the document additionally includes a number of aspects on further digitalization of the national health care system of Turkmenistan.

Similar work is carried out by the Government of Turkmenistan with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.


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