Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate the year 2025 as the “International Year of Peace and Trust”

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov has issued a decree detailing the celebrations and events planned to commemorate this occasion, which was declared by the UN General Assembly at Turkmenistan’s initiative.

The Mejlis of Turkmenistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, relevant ministries and departments, political parties, and public organizations will be responsible for organizing and implementing these events. An Organizational State Committee will be established to coordinate the efforts.

To bolster the legal foundations of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy, which is grounded in the principles of peace and trust, the parliament has been instructed to develop appropriate regulatory legal acts in the “International Year of Peace and Trust.”

The Cabinet of Ministers will ensure the preparation, adoption, implementation, and oversight of decisions related to organizational, legal, and financial matters pertaining to the high-level celebrations and events marking the “International Year of Peace and Trust.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will collaborate closely with the United Nations and other international organizations to organize a series of international-level events throughout 2025 to commemorate the “International Year of Peace and Trust.”

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