Turkmen films received special awards at the international film festival in Türkiye

On May 2–3, 2024, the international film festival “Turan” was held in the city of Izmir, Republic of Türkiye, organized by the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TURKSOY) and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Türkiye.

As part of the competition program of the film festival, 1055 films from 77 countries were presented. The film studio “Turkmenfilm” named after Oguzhan presented three films at the festival – the films “Ol Rumystany görsem” directed by H.Alovov, “Umyt” directed by I.Annamuhammedov and “Meniň kakam” directed by A.Eyeberdiev.

During the event, two films from Turkmenistan “Ol Rumystany görsem” and “Umyt” were awarded special awards and diplomas by the jury of the international film festival “Turan”.

The documentary film “Ol Rumystany görsem”, dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the great philosopher and poet of the East Magtymguly Fragi, was filmed by Turkmen filmmakers in the Republic of Türkiye.

The documentary film “Ol Rumystany görsem” was shown as part of the international film festival program. Also, the organizers of the film festival presented an award to the creative association “Turkmenfilm” named after Oguzhan for its contribution to the culture of the Turkic peoples.

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