The role of permanent Neutrality in the development of education system in Turkmenistan

  “Neutrality of Turkmenistan – our sacred  prosperity, an unshakable meaning of our life, our  main aim”.

                                   President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly  Berdimuhamedov


Our Motherland Turkmenistan has stepped towards the 25th anniversary of its permanent Neutrality. During the previous years, innovative programme led to develop our country comprehensively, large-scale transformations have been carried out successively. Turkmen country decisively takes position among the developed countries of the world. As a result of wise and perfect foresight internal and external policy guided by our Esteemed President the honor of Turkmen country improves.

The idea about the neutral state for Turkmenistan emerged in the first years of independence. After gaining independence, our country has proclaimed “Open Doors Policy” in its indoor and outdoor policy. Within the framework of “Open Doors” policy, large –scale projects have been carried out to promote the prestige of our county in the international arena. On the strength of national traditions and geopolitical specifics of Turkmenistan, the question of acquiring status of permanent neutrality arose in that time as objective and essential necessity.

Neutrality   is a historical choice of the people of Turkmenistan and the will of the people is its guarantee. “On December 12, 1995, the UN General Assembly adopted a special Resolution on “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan” – an unprecedented document, which provided a unique international and legal status for our country as the first in the world practice”(Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, “Turkmenistan is on the way to achieving the sustainable development goals” 2018, p.20).

The adoption of this resolution was an important milestone for the Turkmen people and the state, making the wise and farsighted foreign policy, strategy, triumphant brilliant idea a reality and it was clear evidence of the care about welfare of the people of Turkmenistan.

At the 71st Session of the UN General Assembly held on February 2, 2017, the Resolution on Recognition of December 12 as the International Day of Neutrality was adopted unanimously. “The new Resolution reflects crucial essence of peace- making, constructing experience accumulated by our country for more than two decades. During these years, the Neutrality of Turkmenistan established a reputation of an effective mechanism of entering into fruitful cooperation, strengthening friendly, good neighborly relations among states and nations” (Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, “Turkmenistan is on the way to achieving the sustainable development goals” 2018, p.20).

Confidently entering into the system of modern international relations, our country is in the  of movement  of establishing wide diplomatic relations with the countries of the  world and actively developing constructive cooperation with the UN, the European Union, Organization  of Islamic Cooperation and other major international organizations.

By establishing foreign economic and social relations demands taking into consideration the changes taking place in the world. In recent years, the education system of world has been developing through globalization and internationalization of national education system.

Bringing the higher educational establishments to the level of the world standards is the main task of our times. The tasks of transition to more new methods of education, using the gained world experience and scientific approaches in practical life, creation of high technological educational institutions are being realized more actively.

Since the first days of the presidency of our esteemed President has defined raising the system of education to the level of the world standards and changing with rates all spheres of the public life as one of the main trends. In this connection and taking into consideration the historical-social conditions of the third millennium, a large scale tasks to be fulfilled for flourishing of our country, for prosperous life of our people. Our Esteemed President gave impetus to modern reforms in the education system.

In the Epoch of Might and Happiness changes in the education system are the most important branch of Turkmenistan’s policy and it advances under the leadership of our Esteemed President. The education system of Turkmenistan develops on international level. Modern technologies are actively introduced into educational system and the work on preparing young generation as well-educated specialists on information technologies is actively carried out. Our country Turkmenistan is aimed at being on high level is such spheres as education, science, culture, modern technologies and economy.

Our Esteemed President’s Decree from March, 1 – 2013 “On the improvement of education system in Turkmenistan” and the Decision on the secondary education issues in Turkmenistan resulted in the prolongation of secondary education up to 12 years. Our Honorable President continuously stressed the importance of using multimedia technologies in the education system of our country.

All schools in our country have been equipped with modern computers, multimedia blackboards and all technical facilities to make study easier and useful. Children at their six years can enter the school according to the Conception of twelve-year education at schools. Twelve-year secondary schools program is divided into the following levels and categories: 1st -4th forms of primary education; 5th -10th forms of basic secondary education; 11th– 12th forms of high school education.

The Concept of Developing Digital Education System is also aimed at the updating of this sphere, which provides all its levels with an electronic information base.

Along with these concepts “About concept of improving the teaching of foreign languages” is approved. The President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution approving the Concept of improving the teaching of foreign languages, as well as plan of actions for its implementation. At the first stage, in 2018, it is planned to master the world experience in the field of methodological support, improvement of state standards, relevant curricula and training programs.

At the second stage, in 2019-2020, the system of training and retraining of teachers, the educational and methodological base in this area will be improved and monitoring will be launched to control the effectiveness of the implementation of this Concept.

At the third stage, in 2021-2024, it is planned to create a continuous consistent and interrelated system of teaching foreign languages. All this requires the development of new methods of training, the training of highly qualified teaching staff. The development of this concept, which will ensure more effective development of foreign languages, will allow graduates of educational institutions to quickly join the renewed international environment of Turkmenistan.

In Turkmenistan higher and secondary educational system is improved at a great pace, secondary, and higher educational institutions train highly qualified specialists in all branches of economy. In pre-school and school institutions much attention is paid to learning the world’s advanced experience, generalizing in and realizing it into practice ( The education, science, healthcare and sports spheres of Turkmenistan, 2020) (Turkmen State Publishing center, 2020).

Following these regulations and implementations aimed at improving the quality of education system in Turkmenistan, many initiatives and efforts have been carried out under guidance of ministries, administrative branch institutions on theoretical and practical basis.

Adapting new reforms into the national education sector of Turkmenistan, using best world practices, is vital importance for maintaining sustainable development of the country. The strategies in developing the education sector are reflected in the “National Program of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan for the period of 2011-2030”, which identifies the need “to establish an education system to comparable to developed countries, and to increase the quality of education as a condition for Turkmenistan’s development and competitiveness” (Choreklieva, Sarieva & Nazarova, “Overview of the higher education System” 2017). In Turkmenistan, all educational establishments are well equipped to prepare young generations for the complex needs of today’s world.

Turkmenistan steadily improves scientific, technical, innovative and technology cooperation with leading foreign organizations and centers. Nowadays, cooperation with major scientific and educational centers of the world, international organizations and foundations has significantly expanded. Introducing the world standards into educational process, our country increase the collaboration in humanitarian sphere with UN, European Union. Joint work is carried out with competent organizations working in Turkmenistan like UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDPA and UNESCO. Our state positions itself in the world as one of the strong world powers that harmonically develops in all directions. New historical milestone of comprehensive progress of the country requires steadfast improvement of educational system together with other spheres of the economy.

A number of collaborative works are being carried out for levering the national education sector to the international standards. Within international education standards, every country uses different approaches in order to integrate into international education standards. On June 15, 2016, the Government of Turkmenistan adopted the policy ensuring a quality education and learning environment. The quality education policy was developed by the Ministry of Education with the technical support from United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) (Choreklieva, Sarieva & Nazarova, “Overview of the higher education System”, 2017).

The involvement of the United Nations (UN) agencies (UNICEF, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) for lifelong learning in Turkmenistan, the National Institute of Education, Methodological Centers of higher educational institutions (HEI). A group of international experts from Canada, Russia and Germany, and other countries, shared best practices with pediatricians, psychologists, neuropathologists, speech therapists, pre-school teachers, and education specialists (Choreklieva, Sarieva & Nazarova, “Overview of the higher education System”, 2017). Choreklieva, Sarieva & Nazarova, (2017) reflect on the programs conducted outside Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Structure:

“…It has become the common practice to hold workshops, training sessions, lectures and other forms of joint activities, which involve in the process  educational institutions of Turkmenistan and a number of countries of the  world. Vivid evidence for fruitful international contacts of Turkmen education professionals is their contribution to the implementation of various projects in the framework of international educational programs, such as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+, and others”.

Our Honorable President pays a great deal of attention to the education system of the country and aims to continuously upgrade it to the newest level. He emphasizes: “The 21st century dictates necessity to keep pace with world progress, advanced achievements of science and education, demands meeting new realities” (Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, “Education- Happiness, Prosperity, Success” 2014, p.150). Improving national education sector and incorporating the latest developments and trends into it ensures the development of the country in all its spheres. Therefore, advancing national system of education remains major focus of our esteemed President.

Our permanent Neutrality is the one of the main sources of our country in the field of indoor and outdoor policy. As our esteemed President mentioned in his book that: “Along with independence, neutrality is a basis and support of all our achievements”. All implementations and transformations have been carried out within the framework of permanent Neutrality.  The motto of this year was proclaimed as the “Turkmenistan- Homeland of Neutrality” and it is not by chance that our country has proclaimed it is the reason this year our Independent and Permanent Neutral Turkmenistan will be celebrating 25th years anniversary of its permanent Neutrality.

We are young specialists of our country; it is our main duty to make aware young generation about the implementations, transformations which are being carried out in the independent neutral Turkmenistan. Moreover, instructor and educators of our country should discuss permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan and historical facts about permanent neutrality and as well as internal changes of independent Turkmenistan.

Many educational institutions of  our country have established close partnerships with dozens of foreign educational institutions. The Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar  Seydi has also established close partnership with foreign educational institutions. The examples of successfully continuing fruitful contacts are: Academic Agreement and Cooperation between the Brest State University named after A. S.Pushkin (Belarus, Brest city), Academic Agreement and Cooperation between the Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (Uzbekistan, Tashkent city) and  as well as Memorandum of Understanding between the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar  Seydi and Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University. Having established close partnerships with prestigious educational and scientific centers of Europe, Asia and America. Turkmenistan achieved considerable growth in the number of its students in these regions.


                                                                    Begmuhammet Begiseydov Yusupovich

                                                                                      Candidate of Philosophy 

                                                                senior teacher of social science department

                    Pedagogical institute of Turkmen state named after Seyitnazar Seydi

                                                                                            Ogulshat Hudayberenova

Teacher of social science department


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