TAPI is gaining momentum – improving the situation in Afghanistan opens up new prospects

The situation in Afghanistan is improving significantly and this provides an opportunity to promote the construction of the transnational Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline. This was stated by Mukhammetmyrat Amanov, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TAPI Pipeline, responsible for the implementation of this infrastructure project, during a panel discussion at the International Conference “Oil and Gas of Turkmenistan 2024” (OGT 2024).

“In principle, every large project faces certain difficulties, of course, TAPI is no exception in this, security issues, especially in Afghanistan, are quite acute, but we see that the security situation there is improving significantly, giving us the opportunity to move forward,” he said.

According to Amanov, Turkmenistan is working closely with the local government and communities to ensure security and progress.

On the other hand, financial logistical difficulties are also an integral part of such a large-scale project. In this regard, the project cooperates with international partners and investors to ensure financing.

As known, the construction of the TAPI’s Serkhetabad-Herat section has recently started. This is a crucial part of the large-scale TAPI gas pipeline project.

“Current activities in this segment include detailed engineering surveys and the mobilization of employees, as well as the procurement of necessary materials such as pipes, insulation materials, and other equipment,” Amanov explained.

“We are working with local authorities to ensure the safety of the pipeline and construction workers,” he said.

“The TAPI project underlines our commitment to providing immediate economic benefits to the local community through job creation, infrastructure development, and it also reflects the overall willingness of the participating countries to continue to strengthen energy security and promote economic growth,” the speaker concluded.

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