Tag : Türkmenistanyň Prezidenti


Telephone conversation of the Foreign Ministers of Turkmenistan and Egypt

On June 25, 2020, a telephone conversation took place between Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R.Meredov and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab...

Political and economic consultations were held between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

On June 23, 2020, the Turkmen-Uzbek consultations on political and economic issues were held online in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The delegations...

Cooperation between Turkmenistan and EBRD discussed

Ata Watan Eserleri
On June 23, 2020, in the building of the MFA, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan R.Meredov met with the Head of the Representative...

Popular self-worth, self-esteem and self-love quotes

“Don’t let hollow heroes distract you from saving yourself.” “Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are.” “Dismantle your wounds...

Online talks between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and UAE

On June 22, 2020, the online talks were held between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs...

Turkmenistan participated an event of the International Day of Yoga

On June 20, 2020, the Embassy of India in Turkmenistan organized an event dedicated to the International Day of Yoga that took place in the...

Amanbibi Mämmedowa: Aýdymly dünýäniň bilbili

Baş Redaktor
  Ajaýyp owaza ýugrulan, owadan aýdymlary diňlesek göwnümiz göterilip, aýdym-saza bolan söýgümiz öňküsinden-de artýar. Bu elbetde, jadyly sungatyň güýjünden habar berýär. Aýdymçy üçin ajaýyp aýdymlary...

A meeting within the framework of the Human Rights Dialogue “Turkmenistan – the European Union” was held

On June 18, 2020, a regular meeting as part of the Human Rights Dialogue “Turkmenistan – European Union” was held in the form of a...

Kitap içerisinde yeni dünyalar taşır

İnsanın yaşam boyunca elde edebileceği en güzel alışkanlık kitap okuma; en değerli sermaye de okumadan hasıl olan bilgidir. Kitap; insanı, hayvani yönlerinden kurtararak, insani yönlerini...

Kitap okumak zaman yolculuğu yapmaktır

Kendi küçüklüğümden hatırlıyorum ve bunu birçok okuyucunun da hatırlayacağından eminim. İnternetin nispeten bugünkü kadar geniş, yaygın olmadığı eski günleri hatırlarsınız. Okula gittiğimiz ilk günlerden itibaren,...

Kitap Okumanın Önemini Ezberi Bozan Anlatım

İnsan bazen düşünmeden edemiyor, ‘tüm bunlar ne için?’ ‘Ben niye varım?’ ‘Niye geldim bu dünyaya?’ Fakirse ‘niye ben diğerleri gibi herşeyim yok, niye ben fakirim?’...

Kitap Okumanın Önemini Ezberi Bozan Anlatım

Ata Watan Eserleri
İnsan bazen düşünmeden edemiyor, ‘tüm bunlar ne için?’ ‘Ben niye varım?’ ‘Niye geldim bu dünyaya?’ Fakirse ‘niye ben diğerleri gibi herşeyim yok, niye ben fakirim?’...

Cooperation between Turkmenistan and Abu Dhabi Development Fund discussed

On June 17, 2020, a video conference was held with the Director General of Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi. On the...

Diplomatic relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Sierra Leone have been established

On June 15, 2020, the Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Sierra Leоnе was signed in the building...

Turkmenistan and France to strengthen economic cooperation

On June 16, 2020, a meeting was held in the form of a videoconference between representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and...

Turkmenistan attends CAREC meeting

On June 16, 2020, an online consultative meeting of the National Coordinators of the Regional Economic Cooperation in Central Asia (CAREC) program of the Asian...

Kitap Okumanın Önemini Ezberi Bozan Anlatım

Ata Watan Eserleri
İnsan bazen düşünmeden edemiyor, ‘tüm bunlar ne için?’ ‘Ben niye varım?’ ‘Niye geldim bu dünyaya?’ Fakirse ‘niye ben diğerleri gibi herşeyim yok, niye ben fakirim?’...

Aýdymçy Şamyrat Artykow: Halypalaryň ýoly bilen

Baş Redaktor
  “Şamyradyň aýdymlaryny teleradioýaýlymlarda eşitdigim, gulaga öwrülip diňleýärin. Aýratynam ol tarda aýdym aýdanda, biygtyýar halypalar ýadyňa düşýär. Olaryň ýoluny mynasyp dowam edýän şeýle şägirtleriň zehinine...

Political consultations held between Turkmenistan and the USA

On June 12, 2020, a half-yearly review meeting of the Turkmen-American political consultations took place through videoconferencing. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan...

Online meeting between Central Asia and European Union

On June 12, 2020, an online meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries and the High Representative of the EU...