Pakistan appointed new ambassador to Turkmenistan

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Turkmenistan Irfan Ahmed.

In the beginning of the meeting, Ambassador Irfan Ahmed expressed gratitude to the Turkmen side for the congratulations in connection with his appointment to the high diplomatic post and assured that he will spend his utmost effort for further strengthening of ties between Turkmenistan and Pakistan.

During the meeting, the parties stated the positive dynamics of the development of bilateral ties in political-diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian spheres. The systematic nature of the dialogue of the Presidents of two countries was noted that gives impulse to cooperation between Turkmenistan and Pakistan.

The diplomats noted the efficiency of partnership between the MFAs. Special emphasis was made on the collaboration on the platform of respected regional and international structures, in particular the UN, the Economic Cooperation Organization and others.

The parties also discussed the level of trade-economic ties, in particular the partnership in the energy sector, and in the field of communications. In this regard, the diplomats underlined the importance of implementing the transnational gas pipeline Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) and the construction of the power lines and fiber-optic communication along the route Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan.

In the framework of the meeting, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to Turkmenistan Irfan Ahmed presented the copies of his credentials to the Turkmen side.


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