Joslin Stouker konsert berer

Hormatly ildeşler! Sizi çaganyň hukuklary hakyndaky konwensiýanyň 30 ýyllygy mynasybetli Beýik Britaniýanyň meşhur aýdymçysy Joslin Stoukeriň ýurdumyzyň sungat ussatlary bilen bilelikdäki konsertine çagyrýarys. Giriş tölegsiz.  Dabaraly ýagdaýda geçiriljek konserte howlugyň! 7-nji martda, “Watan” kinokonsert merkezinde, sagat 19:00-da başlanjak konsertde ýörite siziň üçin Joslin Stouker aýdym aýdar!

Ýene-de okaň

The President of Turkmenistan received the new Ambassador of Belarus

New prospects for Turkmenistan’s cooperation with the Saudi Fund for Development

Agro-bridge between the Netherlands and Turkmenistan: a visit that builds trust

On the meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan Discuss Accelerating TAPI Pipeline Work

Turkmenistan approves new edition of the National Action Plan on Combating Human Trafficking