Federal Chancellor Scholz to visit Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan – Kazakhstan to host Central Asia + Germany summit

Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz will visit Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan from September 15 to 17 and take part in the Central Asia + Germany summit, says the statement, published on the official website of the Federal Government of Germany.

According to the report, this will be Scholz’s first trip to Central Asia.

The Federal Chancellor will hold bilateral talks with the heads of state of Central Asia. It is expected that they will discuss deepening cooperation with Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. In addition, the focus will be on bilateral and foreign policy issues.

On 17 September 2024, Scholz will also take part in the Central Asia + Germany summit in Kazakhstan.

The Federal Chancellor will be accompanied by a large high-level business delegation.

“At the first CA5 +1 meeting in Berlin last year, a strategic regional partnership was concluded. Therefore, the Federal Chancellor’s trip next week will also serve to further revitalize this regional partnership,” said Federal Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit.

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