European Union Awards Most Energy Efficient School in Turkmenistan

The European Union (EU) Award Ceremony “The Most Energy Efficient School” was held today in Turkmenbashi, as part of the EU–Turkmenistan Sustainable Energy Days 2024 (SEDs).

School 10 was recognised as the most energy efficient among the public schools of the city. The School teachers, students, parents, the representatives of the EU, the UNDP in Turkmenistan, Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and Turkmenbashi city administration gathered at the event to celebrate the School’s achievement.

H.E. Ms Beata Peksa, EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan, said: “This European Union Award is, first and foremost, the recognition of the teachers’ invaluable contribution to developing children’s skills in careful and rational use of natural resources, and protecting the environment and the Planet. I wholeheartedly congratulate the School, its teachers and students for this outstanding achievement. Spread the word and inspire others. Tell your relatives, friends, neighbours to save energy. By using energy more efficiently, we build a brighter and healthier future for all of us now.”

 The Award Ceremony was followed by the environmental action for schoolchildren. It involved an introductory lecture titled “Nature is our common home”, mini-sports competitions and a bicycle ride to promote environmentally friendly mobility, and the tree planting ceremony, during which children and the esteemed guests planted trees together, thus, doing their bit to greening Turkmenistan and contributing positively to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

The SEDs campaign takes place in Ashgabat and Turkmenbashi from 27 April to 3 May 2024 and aims to raise awareness on energy efficiency, renewable energy and the interlinkage between energy and climate change among the national stakeholder groups and the broader public, including youth and schoolchildren.

The events within the campaign are held by the EU through its project “Sustainable Energy Connectivity in Central Asia (SECCA)”, in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) project “Sustainable Cities in Turkmenistan: Integrated development of green cities in Ashgabat and Avaza”, and with the support of the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, and Turkmenbashi city administration.

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