Englishpalooza Contest

The American Embassy in Turkmenistan pleased to announce the Englishpalooza Creativity Contest! They are looking for fresh and interesting English language projects – just an interesting presentation about an idiom or your favorite language learning tip. Entries will be accepted only July 6 through 16.

Creativity contest entries should:

  • explain an English language concept (e.g. “present perfect”);
  • interpret an idiom or common expression (e.g. “break a leg”;
  • present your favorite language learning tips.

Types of creativity contest entries can be:

Multimedia: a short PowerPoint presentation or a social media post mixed with text, photo, audio, etc. (provide screenshot or share with us via email)
Audio/Video clip: role playing, enactment, computer animation; audio recording; maximum running time is 4 minutes.
Artwork: poster, illustration, or drawing (print or digital format).

Winners and runner-ups will get a chance to participate in a free training in digital storytelling by a certified Adobe education expert in coming months.

For full information please visit:


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