Cooperation between Turkmenistan and EBRD was discussed

The online meeting with the delegation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development led by the Head of the Representative Office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in Ashgabat F.Turkmenoglu was held in the premises of the MFA of Turkmenistan.

From the Turkmen side, the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Finance, as well as the Central Bank of Turkmenistan participated to the meeting.

During the meeting, the intensification of cooperation with the EBRD on a wide spectrum was underlined, including the projects in the area of energy, transport, small and medium sized business development taking into account the ecological component.  The necessity of adjusting the joint work to the new realities and threats, including the global pandemic was stressed. It was reiterated that EBRD is ready to provide further assistance to the Turkmen side in accordance with the EBRD Country Strategy for Turkmenistan for the period of 2019-2024.

The parties exchanged views regarding the expansion of cooperation base and considered the opportunities for collaboration in all fields posing mutual interest.


Foto Habarlar Sahypamyz

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