Auditorium named after Magtymguly Fragi hosted the first event

An auditorium named after Magtymguly Fragi of Sokhumi State University hosted the first event – the round table dedicated to the 300th Anniversary of the great Turkmen poet.

Representatives of science, culture, political scientists and journalists of Turkmenistan and Georgia attended the event.

The participants noted the great significance of the opening of the Magtymguly Fragi Auditorium in strengthening cultural and humanitarian dialogue, friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

They expressed confidence that the auditorium will become an excellent platform for holding joint cultural and scientific events that will contribute to the rapprochement of the two peoples and popularization of cultural and historical heritage.

The event was covered by the Georgian TV Channel “Obiektivi”. Turkmen TV Сhannels “Turkmenistan” and “Yashlyk” will cover the event on 17 September 2024.


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