A new project has been entrusted to the Turkish company

The President of Turkmenistan held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers via digital video communication. At the meeting, the President of Turkmenistan signed a Resolution on the construction of two new gas turbines and the reconstruction of a power plant in the complex of oil refineries in Turkmenbashi. This Resolution was signed in accordance with the Program of Socio-Economic Development for 2019-2025 of the President of Turkmenistan successful implementation of the tasks set before the complex of oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and also to ensure the safe operation of the technological facilities.

Çalik Eneji” will implement a new project

According to the document, the Republic of Turkey’s «Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.» the company has been authorized to conclude a contract with the company at its own expense, provided that the facility is fully ready for use within 18 months.

“Çalik Enerji” company has so far successfully completed the construction of several gas turbine power plants in Turkmenistan.


Ýene-de okaň

Meeting of Ambassador of Turkmenistan with Minister of Health and  Social Affairs of Georgia

Conference “International Year of Peace and Trust: The Triumph of Turkmenistan’s Permanent Neutrality”

Turkmenistan participated International Novruz Day celebration in Tbilisi

The UN General Assembly by consensus adopted the Resolution “Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan”

The President of Turkmenistan visited the Azerbaijan stand

Turkmenistan participated in Nowruz celebration at Istanbul