A new cement plant and a water treatment plant launched in Turkmenistan

On Wednesday, 8 May 2024, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov led the inauguration ceremony of new facilities in the Akhal province, including the second stage of the Baherden cement plant with a capacity of 1 million tons per year and a water treatment plant in the village of Yashlyk with a capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of water per day.

Baherden Cement Plant Phase II

The Baherden Cement Plant, commissioned in 2005, is one of the largest such enterprises in the Central Asian region.

The second stage of the industrial giant with an annual capacity of 1 million tons of cement was built by the private Turkmen company Beýik bina. The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production acts as a client of the project.

The project involved the German engineering company KHD Humboldt Wedag.

The newly launched stage with 1 million-ton annual capacity is equipped by cutting-edge equipment, ensuring the plant adheres to international standards for production of PC-400, PC-500, PC-600, and sulfate-resistant Portland cement.

The plant provides comprehensive work environment for 250 employees.

KHD Humboldt Wedag’s role in the project deserves special recognition.

Their expertise in equipment supply, process design, and project management for the global cement industry played a pivotal role in the plant’s successful expansion. This collaboration’s success is further emphasized by the certificate awarded to the new plant.

This certification verifies that the installed equipment and engineering work by KHD Humboldt Wedag fully adheres to a stringent set of international standards, including:

  • German industrial standards (DIN)
  • cement industry standards
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards
  • ISO standards.

Special attention, as in other similar enterprises, is paid to the environmental friendliness of production and compliance with all necessary standards.

President handed over the governor of the Akhal province the keys to the new cars.

During his speech at the opening ceremony, the head of state highlighted further developments planned for the Akhal province, including the construction of a plant for the production of ceramic materials in the Baherden district and a water treatment plant in Tejen city with a daily capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of water. These facilities will be commissioned this year.

Water treatment plant in the village of Yashlyk

Following the inauguration of the Baherden Cement Plant, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov participated in the commissioning ceremony of a new water treatment plant. Located in the village of Yashlyk, Ak Bugday district, this facility boasts a daily treatment capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of water.

The Head of State visited the Water Treatment Facility Management Center located in the administrative building.

This central hub plays a crucial role in managing the distribution of purified drinking water, ensuring it reaches designated locations in the appropriate volumes. The Center also possesses the capability to regulate water flow as needed.

The laboratory, which is part of the complex structure, controls the preparation of chemicals used for water purification (mixing solutions of aluminum sulfate and sodium hypochlorite) in accordance with established standards.

The new complex is equipped with modern specialized equipment from Turkmen and foreign manufacturers. Water from the Karakum River undergoes a multi-stage purification process. First, it enters a reservoir for pre-settling, followed by mechanical filtration utilizing specialized gratings.

Next, pumps transport the water to the treatment facility itself. Aeration comes first, naturally enriching the water with oxygen. This is followed by a demineralization stage, effectively removing elements like iron and manganese. After settling once more, the water undergoes chemical purification before further filtration through sand and coal filters.

Finally, the purified water is disinfected using sodium hypochlorite and stored in four tanks. From these reservoirs, clean drinking water is delivered not only to the village of Yashlyk but also to nearby villages.

In addition, clean drinking water is supplied to the village of Gyavers and the settlements located in its vicinity.

The plant accommodates a fully equipped chemical and bacteriological laboratory. This lab utilizes cutting-edge technology, including a spectrophotometer capable of performing over 50 tests. These tests analyze the water’s composition for various elements and determine its hardness. A turbidimeter measures water clarity, while a heated magnetic mixer facilitates the preparation of essential chemical reagents. Analytical scales, a pH meter for measuring water acidity, and a dryer for laboratory glassware complete the impressive laboratory setup.

The sediment formed during water purification is treated accordingly. This is done by means of special equipment, including a decanter designed for dehydration, thickening and drying of sediment.

The President’s visit concluded with him presenting keys to new vehicles designated for use within the water treatment industry.

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