Umyt Bolmaly

Biz adam ahyry adam bolmaly

Bizde ynam, arzuw umyt bolmaly

Şol arzuwlar şol ynamlar bilenem

Pesde bolsak biz ýokaryk galmaly


Edýän işimiziň has ulydygyn

Bilsegem biz käte dönemzok yza

Ýollarymyz sürçek bolsa bolaýsyn

Namardyň öňünde çökmeris dyza


Bizde umyt, bizde giden arzuw bar,

Umytsyz, arzuwsyz durmuş juda dar

Daşaryk seretdim ýagýar akja gar

Ak gar kimin adamlara ýürek zar

Kakajan Alyýew


Awtorlar Ýeňijini Kesgitleýär :”Ata Watan Eserleri” bäsleşigi

Bäsleşik barada giňişleýin maglumat üçin

“ Ata Watan Eserleri” döredijilik bäsleşigi : RedMi 7A Size garaşýar!

Ýene-de okaň

UNDP and British Embassy Deepen Partnership with Turkmenistan on Economic Diversification

The Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Turkmenistan met with the heads of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan and Qatar held consultations on the Roadmap for cooperation in the field of education

University of Lahore offers Scholarships for Turkmen Students

Сhess tournament in honor of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan’s Independence hosted in Türkiye

Meeting with the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea held in the MFA of Turkmenistan