Arkadag Smart City received three awards at the International Exhibition of Smart Cities “WSCE 2024”

On September 4, 2024, the Arkadag Smart City received three awards at the International Exhibition of Smart Cities, called the “World Smart City Expo 2024” held in Goyang, Republic of Korea.
The awards were presented to both foreign and national cities, as well as companies that stood out in various fields. Notably, Arkadag Smart City was the first participant at the event to receive an award. The Turkmen delegation was honored with the following three distinctions:
1. Arkadag Smart City – Excellence Award.
It is worth mentioning that Arkadag Smart City was the only recipient of this award.
2. Arkadag Smart City – Foreign City Award.
3. Arkadag Smart City – WSCE 2024 Contribution Award.
During the award ceremony, the head of the Turkmen delegation, Mr. D. Orazov, Chairman of the State Committee for the Construction of Arkadag City under the President of Turkmenistan, delivered an appreciation speech. In his address, he acknowledged the high level of organization of the event and noted that technologies and systems, meeting the current demands of smart cities, were showcased in this exhibition.

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