Afghan, Turkmen officials inspect key projects

A high-level delegation from Afghanistan, led by Foreign Minister Mawlavi Amir Khan Muttaqi, visited Herat yesterday Wednesday. The delegation, which included ministers from key sectors such as Mines and Petroleum, Communications and Information Technology, toured key infrastructure projects along the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan border.

The two sides focused discussions on the expansion of the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) natural gas pipeline project, as well as the construction of a new railway line and power transmission infrastructure.

During the visit, the Islamic Emirate Foreign Minister assured his Turkmen counterpart, Rashid Meredov, that the Afghanistan government has completed its preparations for the TAPI pipeline extension and is ready to commence practical work.

In a reciprocal gesture, the Turkmen Foreign Minister confirmed his country’s commitment to expedite the construction of the railway line and railway station in Afghanistan. He also noted that the Noorul Jihad substation, a crucial power transmission project, will be completed in the near future.

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