Türkiye will receive 2bcm of Turkmen gas through Iran-Azerbaijan infrastructure

The minister of energy and natural resources of Türkiye, while speaking to the private Turkish media on 26 July 2024, said, “We are working on bringing up to 2 billion cubic meters of gas from Turkmenistan to Türkiye in the initial phase over Iran and Azerbaijan. There is no need for additional major investment in infrastructure.”

The minister, Alparslan Bayraktar, said that there were no issues with Azerbaijan on this arrangement. He expressed hope that the gas could start flowing next year if Iran also cooperates.

According to the Daily Sabah, Bayraktar pointed out that the gas shipment capacity between Türkiye, Azerbaijan, and Iran would be reached with this volume.

“However, in the next phase, a new pipeline will be required to strengthen the infrastructure, including new compressors and pipelines. At that point, it will also be possible for this gas to reach Europe,” he noted.

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