Turkmenistan Ready to Boost Trade and Transit with Afghanistan

On 25 June, the Consul General of Turkmenistan in Herat Batyr Yolov met with Governor Noor Ahmad Islamjar.

During the meeting, Nur Ahmad Islamjar noted that the Afghan side is interested in intensifying cargo transportation along the Afghanistan-Turkmenistan-Kazakhstan-China route, and establishing exports of Afghan fruits and vegetables and dry fruits to Turkmenistan.

In turn Yolov stated that the Turkmenistan is ready to develop trade and economic relations and transport and logistics cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

According to Bakhtar News, the Consul General of Turkmenistan announced Turkmenistan’s readiness to facilitate the daily transfer of 120 trucks carrying commercial goods through the Torghundi border and informed on the completion of repair works at the Noor Jihad substation.

Nur Ahmad Islamjar further underscored the importance of expediting the TAPI project and emphasized the convening of a trilateral meeting involving transportation companies from Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan. The meeting aims to reopen the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan route.

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