Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan Eye Diversification of Middle Corridor

Chairman Rovshan Rustamov of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC met with his counterpart, Chairman of the Turkmen Railways Agency Azat Atamuradov, and a high-level delegation from the Turkmen Marine and River Ways agency (Turkmendenizderyayollary) during a recent working visit to Ashgabat.

Discussions focused on strengthening railway cooperation between the two countries, with an aim to increase cargo volume and explore multimodal options for transporting goods along the Central Asia-Europe and China-Europe routes.

The strengthening of ties in the field of railway transport between the two countries, an increase in cargo turnover, as well as the possibility of multimodal freight transportation in the directions Central Asia – Europe – Central Asia and China – Europe – China were discussed in detail. The significant potential for cooperation and the importance of presenting these opportunities on the European market were noted.

Additionally, Rustamov met with the heads from Turkmennebit (Turkmen oil), Turkmengaz (Turkmen gas), Turkmenhimiya (Turkmen chemicals), and the Turkmen State Chamber of Commerce and Exchange. He provided detailed information on Azerbaijan Railways’ efforts to expand the capabilities of the Middle Corridor

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