ABŞ : Hukuk ulgamynda iň abraýly okuw mekdepleri

ABŞ-nyň ýokary okuw mekdepleri beýleki ulgamlar bilen bilelikde Hukuk ulgamynda hem dünýäde uly abraýdan peýdalanýar. Biz bu habarymyzda Size US News Ranking maglumatlaryna salgylanyp, 2023-nji ýyl üçin Amerikanyň Hukuk ulgamyndaky iň abraýly ýokary okuw mekdepleriniň sanawyny ýetirýäris. Bu ýokary okuw mekdepleri dünýäniň hem iň abraýly ýokary okuw mekdepleri bolup, biri-beýlekisinden pes däldir. Biz bu sanawdan 50 sany ýokary okuw mekdebiň adyny Size ýetirýäris.

Aşakda ilki Hukuk mekdebiniň ady, soňra, uniwersitetiň ady, iň soňynda bolsa şol okuw mekdebiniň ýerleşýär ýeri görkezilýär.  

  1. The Law School at Yale University- New Haven, CT
  2. The Law School at Stanford University- Stanford, CA
  3. The Law School at University of Chicago- Chicago, IL
  4. The Law School at Columbia University- New York, NY
  5. The law school at Harvard University- Cambridge, MA
  6. The law school at University of Pennsylvania (Carey)- Philadelphia, PA
  7. The School of Law at New York University- New York, NY
  8. The School of Law at University of Virginia- Charlottesville, VA
  9. The School of Law at University of California—Berkeley- Berkeley, CA
  10. The Law School at University of Michigan–Ann Arbor- Ann Arbor, MI
  11. The School of Law at Duke University- Durham, NC
  12. The Law School at Cornell University- Ithaca, NY
  13. The School of Law at Northwestern University (Pritzker)- Chicago, IL
  14. The Law Center at Georgetown University- Washington, DC
  15. The School of Law at University of California–Los Angeles-Los Angeles, CA
  16. The School of Law at Washington University in St. Louis-St. Louis, MO
  17. The School of Law at Boston University-Boston, MA
  18. The School of Law at University of Texas—Austin-Austin, TX
  19. The Law School at Vanderbilt University- Nashville, TN
  20. The Gould School of Law at University of Southern California (Gould)- Los Angeles, CA
  21. The Levin College of Law at University of Florida (Levin)- Gainesville, FL
  22. The Law School at University of Minnesota-Minneapolis, MN
  23. The J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University (Clark)- Provo, UT
  24. The School of Law at University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill- Chapel Hill, NC
  25. The Law School at George Washington University-Washington, DC
  26. School of Law at University of Alabama- Tuscaloosa, AL
  27. The Notre Dame Law School at University of Notre Dame- Notre Dame, IN
  28. The College of Law at University of Iowa-Iowa City, IA
  29. The School of Law at University of Georgia-Athens, GA
  30. The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University (O’Connor)- Phoenix, AZ
  31. The School of Law at Emory University- Atlanta, GA
  32. The Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University-Arlington, VA
  33. The Michael E. Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University (Moritz)- Columbus, OH
  34. The law school at William & Mary Law School- Williamsburg, VA
  35. The University of Illinois College of Law at University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign- Champaign, IL
  36. The School of Law at Washington and Lee University- Lexington, VA
  37. The Law School at Boston College- Newton, MA
  38. The School of Law at Fordham University- New York, NY
  39. The School of Law at University of California—Davis- Davis, CA
  40. The School of Law at University of California—Irvine- Irvine, CA
  41. The S.J. Quinney College of Law at University of Utah (Quinney)- Salt Lake City, UT
  42. The School of Law at Wake Forest University-Winston-Salem, NC
  43. The Maurer School of Law at Indiana University–Bloomington (Maurer)- Bloomington, IN
  44. The Law School at University of Wisconsin—Madison-Madison, WI
  45. The James E. Rogers College of Law at University of Arizona (Rogers)- Tucson, AZ
  46. The School of Law at Texas A&M University- Fort Worth, TX
  47. The College of Law at Florida State University-Tallahassee, FL
  48. The Francis King Carey School of Law at University of Maryland (Carey)- Baltimore, MD
  49. The Law School at University of Colorado—Boulder-Boulder, CO
  50. The School of Law at University of Washington-Seattle, WA


Amerikanyň Birleşen Ştatlary : Diplomy ykrar edilýän ýokary okuw mekdepleri 2022



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